Page 106 of Daddy, Sir

“Thereunion?” Sara Ann sighed gustily into the microphone.

Jamie was silent, frowning, as she tried to figure out what her friend was talking about. Sara Ann tended to just jump into a conversation like everyone was already on board and it could be difficult to catch up. “Um…”

“You know our ten-year class reunion—well, twelve technically.”

Oh, right.“I think I got an e-mail about that, but I don’t know. I’ve got a lot going on right now. I doubt I could get the time off.”

“C’mon, you have to come. I’ve been on the planning committee and it’s going to be huge.”

A big party full of vaguely familiar faces and people trying to one-up each other didn’t sound like a blast to her. It definitely didn’t sound like something she wanted to drive three hourseach way to attend. “Honestly, I just don’t think I can get back, Sara Ann. Work has been so crazy.”

“Hmm, well, I know something that might change your mind…”

Jamie laughed. “What?”

“Well, you know we’re combining with other years, right?”

Sure, they always did. Their high school hadn’t beenthatsmall, but it did have a highly mobile population, since they lived near a military base. Very few students made it all four years in the same school, and as a result tended not to care overly much about reunions.

There had been two hundred in her graduating class, but she’d be shocked if a quarter of those came back for the party. To get the numbers up, they needed other years. “Yeah, so?”

“Well… we’re the youngest class. It will basically be us, and then the three classes before us.”

“I don’t… I’m not sure what that means.”

“Ugh, Jamie. It means Oliver’s year is part of it. Remember when you had such a crush on him?” Sara Ann’s giggles came through loud and clear.

Jamie felt a surge of… something, but it immediately died. “We were just friends, Sara Ann. And so? He’s not going to come. He’s probably not even in the country right now.”

She actually didn’t knowwherehe was at the moment. They’d fallen out of touch. Ollie had followed his dream of a military career, enlisting right after high school. At first, they’d written back and forth, but between his frequent movements and letters getting lost… that had stopped a few years into his deployment.

Then his mother had remarried and moved across country, just after Jamie had graduated high school, so without the letters there had been no news at all. She still thought about himsometimes, missed him, but she was pretty sure she’d never see him again.

He didn’t really count as the one who’d gotten away, because they’d never been an item. But still… if things had been different, she was sure they would have been.

“You mean you haven’t heard? Oh em gee, Jamie! You really are out of the loop.” And Sara Ann seemed delighted about it too. She always had loved being the one to share juicy new gossip.

Jamie held back a sigh. She really didn’t want to ask, but she knew her friend wouldn’t explain until she did. “Well, that’s what happens when you move away, I guess. So… fill me in?”


Jamie closed her eyes for patience. “Please?”

That was all it took to get Sara Ann talking. “Well, it’s only that Oliver is back in town.”

It was as if a bolt of lightning had struck. Jamie’s mouth dropped open, and she just stared at the wall, slow blinking, as she tried to comprehend. “But… why? His mom doesn’t live there anymore.”

“I think he’s stationed at the base now. I actually ran into him completely by accident the other day. Took me a minute to figure out why he looked familiar, but he was in uniform and just looked like a whole snack.”

Jamie didn’t know what to say. It seemed improbable, if not completely impossible. Oliver, back in town after all these years? “Are you sure it’s him?”

“Oh, definitely. He recognized me. Said I hadn’t changed a bit.” Her tone was smug. “He, uh, asked about you actually.”

With her heart thundering in her chest, Jamie had trouble forming words. “He did?”

“Mhm, wondered how you were doing. I told him you didn’t live in town anymore, but your mom still does. He saidsomething about visiting her. Oh, I saw your mom not too long ago also, and she?—”

Jamie wasn’t ready for the quick change in topic and interrupted, “Did he say anything else?”