Page 65 of Because the Night

Lucas ignores them and wipes the dust off his hands as he crosses the room. He leans down and I reach up, and we meet in the middle. As it should be. No idea how bruised and battered his mouth might be. But I kiss him gently. And the kiss is a promise of so much more. Years and eons and all the rest. I really feel like this just might work out for us.

There’s a light in his eyes as he says, “Skye can shoot someone next time we have another of these get-togethers.”

Benedict just nods.

But I laugh. “Next time.” Then, I stop laughing. “Wait. You’re not serious, are you?”

“What word am I thinking of?” asks Lucas, lounging on our bed.

I meet his gaze in the mirror as I finish brushing my hair. “The same word you’re always thinking of.”

“You need the practice, Skye. Come on.”

“It’s just going to besex.”

“It might not be.”

“But it will be.”

His lazy smile…the vampire is too handsome for his own good. “But it might not be.”

Over a month has passed since the showdown with Marc. The house has mostly been set back to rights. Though, we still find shards of broken glass and stray cushion feathers here and there. Henry likes to call it war confetti.

Lucas has been to several board meetings, and the overhaul of The Boulevard Hotel is ongoing. Things seem to have calmed down in the city of angels. For the moment, at least.

“You haven’t asked about the jewelry box sitting on your bedside table,” he says, reaching for same.

Turns out he was right about owning more belongings. The vampire seems to have limitless resources. And he’s been showering me with gifts. I feel like an undead Cinderella. In the space of a couple of months, I have gone from desperately needing to ask for a raise, to independently wealthy with a ridiculously rich boyfriend.

We’ve barely spent a moment apart since reaching our understanding and acknowledging our attachment. I don’t know how Rose and Samuel handle a bond like this. How they managed to go for years living in separate countries. Guess it eases with time. Or perhaps you grow accustomed to the way it has its hooks so deep in your heart, there’s no escaping it. But Lucas and I stay as close to each other as possible. I still don’t know if soul mates are real. I just know I’m happier with him by my side.

The only upset during the last month came care of photos taken at my funeral. Helena sent the parcel. It was my decision whether to view the shots or not. Leave them for a decade, maybe, when the hurt wasn’t so close to the surface.

My curiosity won out in the end. I hate how my family are grieving me. The sorrow on my mother’s face will stay with me for the rest of time.

How my ex turned up and ugly cried at the service is wild. I mean, he dumped me. My best friend Nicole should have accidentally tripped and pushed him into my open grave. It’s the least he deserves.

But Henry was right about the funeral being an end to that life. There’s a certain comfort in knowing it is done, and my friends and family are hopefully moving on now. I don’t know. Life and death are so complicated.

Apparently, as I’d hoped, my parents are buying a house on the beach with the life insurance payout. And I’m glad to hear it.

But back to the here and now.

Lucas tosses me the red velvet box from the side table. And I actually manage to catch it. “What’s this?”

“Open it and see. Then tell me what word is on my mind.”

I have been practicing reading minds and emotions. Strengthening the ability is going to take some time. But I no longer need to wait for the word to appear. I can now usuallysearch it out on my own. Something which will, no doubt, come in use in this new life.

Inside the velvet box is an antique platinum and solitaire diamond ring. And it is awe inspiring. The sort of thing royalty wore in days of yore.

I don’t know what to say. He’s given me necklaces and bracelets and earrings. But this is the first time he’s presented me with a ring. The thing is…it looks like an engagement ring. I highly doubt he intends for us to get hitched. Lucas has been single for well over a millennia. While we’ve been officially dating and living together for a whole month. A really great month. But still.

“I picked it up from Cartier in London near the start of the last century,” he says, calm as can be.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Hmm. I am glad you like it. Read my mind, Skye.”