Page 41 of Because the Night

“1969. They met at Woodstock. You know, that great concert I told you about outside New York where everyone was all free love and dropping acid?”

Lucas nods.

Safe to say I am no longer permitted to open any doors. Margaret mutters something and walks slowly forward with one hand raised. A faint clicking noise can be heard behind several of the doors lining the hallway as she passes. But nothing else goesboom. Thank goodness. She doesn’t look like your stereotypical witch. There’s no dramatic pointed hat or such. Just jeans and a flowing white top. A collection of silver chains and crystals hang around her neck. But it’s a chunk of clear quartz that she holds in her hand while moving forward and dealing with the explosive devices.

There’s an event space on the sixth floor. Guess it gave the guests a nice view of the city. And behind those large doors I can feel something. A lot of thoughts and feelings, and the dominant ones are anger and fear.

“There are people in there,” I say. “They’re angry and afraid.”

“That’s all you’re getting?” asks Lucas.


Leilah stares at me for a moment before flicking her wrist. Four of her people step forward and they’re all armed to the teeth. Guns and daggers and you name it. But then so are Henry and Benedict. Lucas is the only one who seems to prefer using his own two hands. Everyone else waits in silence to see what happens next.

“Throw aside your weapons and lie face down on the floor with your hands on your head,” yells Leilah. “Any creature not in this position when we enter will be destroyed. This is your only warning. You do not need to suffer the final death tonight.”

After a moment, she gives her people a nod. The four blur and enter the room. Next comes the sounds of gunfire and screaming.Shit.The whole situation makes my skin crawl. But I do my best to keep my thoughts and feelings from showing on my face. The silence that follows the violence feels almost as bad.

Leilah pulls a cell out of her jacket pocket and reads the screen. “Lucas, you’re wanted down in the basement bar. We can finish up here.”

He nods, puts a hand to the small of my back, and leads us toward the elevators. Benedict follows close behind. Henrynever came back up after shepherding the vampire down to the speakeasy. And they’re not the only ones down there. A good fifteen members of Archie’s family are sitting at the tables with worried faces. They’re guarded by a couple of Leilah’s people.

Lucas walks past them and straight into the board meeting room at the back of the premises. It’s as dark and creepy as the other night. But this time, a vampire with white skin and short red hair wearing a Lakers tee is tied to one of the board members’ chairs—with a dagger sticking out of each of his thighs and another embedded in his stomach.

Ouch. Given how fast we heel, the skin and flesh must now be sticking to those blades. So much blood. But not human. I can definitely smell the difference. Body parts and various liquids must only turn to ash once the vampire in question is dead.

How the hell is this my life now?

“Father,” says Henry with a bright smile. “This is Josh. We were just playing a game with him, which we were all enjoying immensely, weren’t we?”

Another vampire leans against a nearby wall with a dagger in his hand. He’s tall with a lean, muscular build and shoulder-length, dark hair. There is dried blood and the lingering pink line of a healing cut on his arm. Along with a fading gray bruise on his jawline. While he has the same coloring as Lucas, he has a more disheveled air. There’s none of the slicked-back hair and freshly shaven face. This man is handsome in an unkempt way, and was also turned around the age of forty, at a guess.

“Nico, he cut you?” asks Lucas. “Have you slowed down since I’ve been asleep?”

The vampire smiles. “This one was Archie’s assassin. He has some skills. I found him in the bottom parking lot trying to escape. This place is riddled with tunnels and secret rooms.”

“How interesting. He was his assassin, and yet he chose not to come after me himself. Instead, sending someone to attempta drive-by shooting.” Lucas wanders over to the bound man and pulls out one of the daggers. “Why is that, exactly?”

Josh’s eyes widen in pain, but his mouth stays shut.

Nico lets the knife in his hand fly. It finds its target in the captive’s shoulder, and Josh’s whole body jerks. “Honestly,” says Nico, “I think this asshole just lacked the courage to go after the Woodsman himself.”

Lucas glances at Henry, giving him the go ahead.

“Alrighty,” he says, sitting on the stately board table, which I highly doubt is allowed. “Here’s how this is going to go, Josh. We’ve been having fun playing up until now, but as you can see, Father has arrived. Therefore, it’s time to get down to business. Either you answer our questions or—”

“You’re going to kill me anyway,” groans Josh.

“I can’t believe you interrupted me. That is so fucking rude.” Henry flicks his blond hair back. I’ve never seen a courtier in action before, but this is interesting. “And, duh. You had a marksman fire on Father and his new favorite. Do you have any idea how long we’ve all been hoping he’d get himself a special someone? Centuries, dude. Centuries. And then you come along and try to kill her, too.”

Nothing from Josh.

Though, Lucas now has a muscle twitching in his jawline. Has to be from irritation. In a feat of supernatural strength, I, myself, manage to not smack Henry upside the head. And the way Nico is giving me the once-over with his cool gaze is unnecessary, and not particularly brotherly or comfortable.

“So, of course, we’re going to kill you,” continues Henry. “But it’s how you die that’s up for discussion.”

Josh does not look convinced.