He takes a sip of my blood bag and pulls a face. “Ugh. I honestly don’t know how you can drink that.”
“Focus, Henry.”
“I don’t really think he’d mind me telling you just that much.”
“I mind,” says a voice from the direction of the front doorway.
“Oops.” Henry winces. “Please don’t chop off my head, Father. I’ll be a good boy, I promise.”
“Shut up and go check the area for any unwelcome visitors.” Lucas enters the underground lounge with Samuel. “Skye, stay out of sight until he’s given you the okay.”
Henry takes off without another word. By the time I’ve finished my second blood bag, he’s back, and it’s officially safe to use the aboveground floors.
One thing about being a vampire, temperatures are no longer a problem. A bitterly cold wind is blowing. Not that it bothers me, particularly. But I find a black sweater and matching jeans in my armoire, along with a pair of designer boots. It is about as plain as my wardrobe goes. Being a member of this family means dressing the part, apparently. My hair is tied back in a ponytail, and I’m done. No need for me to be hanging out with strangers in my pajamas.
They’re seated in the living room when I come downstairs. Lucas is wearing a black button-down shirt and shoes. Guess you don’t entertain guests half naked. He signals me to join him on the chaise lounge.
I do as asked, but keep a good half foot of space between us. At least I’m being included in whatever this is. Henry, meanwhile, is picking out a tune on the piano, while Samuel has settled into a chair in the corner.
Outside, the night is quiet. Give or take the various insects and other animals. The neighbor to the left watches a movie, while the ones on the right eat an early dinner. Then there’s the distant hum of traffic rising up from the Sunset Strip. But I’m getting better at blocking it all out. At only focusing on the information I need here and now.
“When did you leave London?” asks Lucas.
Samuel sets his ankle on the opposite knee and makes a show of getting comfortable. “A little over thirty years ago.”
“Makes sense she’d want you with her during the cull. Someone she could trust to watch her back.”
“We’d spent enough time apart.”
Henry looks up from the keys. “Rose and Samuel have been married for centuries, Skye. It’s quite the epic romance. They were wed in Morocco in 1762. Nowthatwas a party.”
“You’ll have to forgive us.” Samuel gives me a charming smile. “Vampires are such notorious gossips that we assume everyone already knows our business.”
“Father balances out that fact by telling her nothing,” says Henry.
Lucas frowns. “I’m not that bad.”
“Eh,” I say, because feedback is important.
“Samuel and Rose are mates. They always go back to each other in the end,” finishes Henry.
“You mean like soul mates?” I ask.
Lucas shakes his head. “There’s no proof those exist.”
“Says the supernatural creature.” Henry grins. “Call me a romantic fool, but I met this fascinating couple in Berlin a while back. It was when the wall came down. They’d been together even longer than Samuel and Rose. They met back when Genghis Khan invaded India and had rarely left each other’s sides since. Can you imagine?”
Lucas’s brows draw down. “Spending forever stuck with someone? No, thank you.”
“I thought it was lovely.” Henry pouts. “Not that I’m signing up for it or anything. What do you think, Skye? You’re on my side, aren’t you?”
“My longest relationship barely lasted a year.” I smile. “What would I know?”
Lucas clears his throat. “Here’s something you should be aware of, Skye. In Rose’s family, Samuel plays the part of spymaster.”
“I am, of course, unable to confirm if that is true or not.” Samuel looks me over in silence for a moment. “Your Skye here is the first newborn made in the city in almost thirty years. It’sbeen a long time since there’s been any new blood in L.A. Guard her well. Some will be jealous that you got away with flouting the rules. Some will simply target her in an attempt to make you look weak.”
“What really happened?” asks Lucas. “How did L.A. descend into rules and boards?”