We got out of there as fast as possible. Then Lucas made a call to Helena, and Henry called someone else, and things were set in motion. Our asses are apparently covered in case of any security cameras, and where the local authorities are concerned. Vampire politics seem to be a lot like organized crime. Violence, money, and secrets. This is assuming what film and TV taught me about them is true.
I spent the ride home downing a blood bag. Handy that the Rolls-Royce had a stocked fridge. The Thorn Group really does think of everything.
Lucas puts a Louis Armstrong record on while I hug an embroidered silk cushion to my chest. “Are we assuming this is about Archie?”
“Seems likely,” he says. “Skye, how did you know?”
My gaze jumps to his face.
“The gun wasn’t in sight yet when you reacted,” he continues. “You were asking earlier about the possibility of extra gifts being bestowed when you’re turned. Is there something you want to tell me?”
I choose my words with care. “I wasn’t sure if it meant anything at first. It was mostly just a random word appearing in my head now and then. Like it was giving me a hint of what someone was thinking.”
He nods.
“Then I looked at the driver of the Escalade and he was staring at us, and I heard the wordguninside my mind,” I say. “Given they’d only just rolled down the back window, I jumped to the conclusion that it was a drive-by shooting and we were the targets and reacted accordingly.”
“You only hear one word?”
Henry frowns. “What if the word is liketheorand?”
“That would be incredibly unhelpful,” I say. “But apparently that’s not how it works. When we were outside the club, I heard the worddisappointedfrom you. It seems to be a random mix of things that people near me are feeling. And it’s not constant, just now and then.”
“Such as when I thought you were homely,” says Lucas.
The way I hesitate says more about my feelings than I like. “Yes.”
“Father,” gasps Henry. “How rude. And blatantly incorrect, I might add. She’s gorgeous.”
“I wonder if, with practice, you could train yourself to tune into a mind.” Lucas taps out a beat on the arm of the chair. “I have only met a couple of other vampires with gifts such as this. One who could move things with his mind, and another who could read objects. Get a feel for where they had been and suchlike. These vampires were treasured and well-protected members of their families. But both of their gifts developed over time.”
“If word got out, people would definitely want her,” says Henry, his gaze narrowed on me.
Lucas also stares as if he’s reassessing me. Like he’s surprised to find I have sudden hidden value. It is honestly a bit much after everything.
I rise from the sofa. “I’m going to have a bath.”
Covered in grit from the sidewalk and hints of ash from earlier, I could do with a wash. It doesn’t take long for the old claw-foot tub to fill. I dump my designer wear on the floor and climb in. The water is deliciously hot and the room full of steam.
No idea why or when I start crying. Again. The last two nights have been intense. I want to talk to my best friend and get her take on all of this. I want to hear my mom’s voice. And I really want to walk in the sunlight one last time and feel the warmth on my face. Woe is me.
The door cracks open and Lucas steps inside, closing it behind him. “I don’t like the taste of your tears.”
“You can taste my tears?” I ask with a sniffle. I press my knees to my chest and cross my arms to cover my breasts. “That’s so bizarre. And I’d really appreciate it if you could find the key for that door so I can lock it when I want privacy.”
“I could still just break it if I wanted to get in.”
“Given how upset you get when I break something around here, I’m guessing you won’t,” I say.
“Your sadness fills the air.”
“Go away, please.”
“You’ve seen me naked,” he says. “I’m not allowed to see you?”
“I didn’t look at you. And no, not without an invitation.”