Page 22 of Because the Night

“Perhaps not. But he made me. I was a member of his guard for almost a century.”

“How did he get past the runes?” I whisper.

Henry leans closer. “Father considers him a friend. At least, he did.”

“I understand,” says Lucas, with sadness in his eyes. “It’s a matter of honor. Are you ready?”

Berin nods.

It isn’t as quick as when he killed Archie or Christos. They charge each other, hands grappling and pummeling. Lucas breaks loose and spins, slamming his elbow into the other male’s nose. I wince at the sound of breaking bone. When blood spurts, a moan rises from the gathered guests, and they lean closer.

Berin bashes his fist into Lucas’s cheek, making his head rock back. A flash of pain crosses his face, there and gone, and I lunge forward without thought.

Henry grabs me around the waist and anchors me against his hard body. “No, you don’t, sweetie. You would only distract him. He wouldn’t thank you for interfering.”


“Look closely,” he says, lips brushing against my ears. “You can track his movements, can’t you? You can see him?”

I nod. “Lucas isn’t moving as fast as he can. He’s letting him hit him.”

“That’s right,” says Henry. “He’s letting his friend get some hits in before he ends the fight. He’s doing him a kindness.”

“Didn’t Berin know he couldn’t win?”

“Without a doubt.” Henry scoffs. “But some choose to find meaning in eternity by living by archaic codes or some such nonsense. Self-righteous wankers.”

Lucas doesn’t drag it out, however. Soon enough, he has the other vampire on his knees in a headlock. The smaller cuts and bruises on their faces are healing as we watch. Nice to know we have accelerated healing.

“Don’t make me do this, Berin.”

“My honor,” is all the other male says in his strained voice.

Lucas’s lips flatline. Then he punches his hand through the male’s back and pulls out his heart. The body slumps in his hold before turning to ash. And that is that.

“Father didn’t exactly have many friends to begin with,” whispers Henry. “Now he has one less.”

I say nothing.

Lucas straightens and turns our way. Ash covers his fine suit and blood drips from healing cuts on his cheek and lip. He allowed himself to be beaten black and blue. His forehead is furrowed, and shadows fill his gaze. Like all of the long years of his life are suddenly weighing heavily on his broad shoulders. The grief and loneliness in his expression is acute.

A polite round of applause starts among some of the guests and several of the humans raise their glasses in a toast to his victory. What idiots. Like this death was in any way a victory.

Lucas turns on them all with a snarl. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

The whole pack flees like their asses are on fire. If Lucas wanted a show of strength, this has definitely achieved that end. But at what cost?

“Best thing to do when he gets this way is distract him. Otherwise, the gloominess goes on for weeks,” whispers Henry.


“Oh Father!”

I suddenly realize Henry has a pants situation. How embarrassing. I definitely wasn’t pressing my butt against him on purpose. He was just holding me that damn tight. I wrestle out of his hold and the jerk grins.

“Distract him with what?” I ask. “Henry?”

Instead of answering me, he announces at the top of his voice, “You’re never going to believe this. Awkward timing, I know. But her lust is kicking in and she smells fucking amazing.”