“You really think you’re the first person to tell me I’m too loud or too much?” I ask with a bitter smile.
His gaze turns hard. “Who said that to you?”
Ignoring his question, I ask one of my own. “Why did you really turn me?”
“Who insulted you in such a manner, Skye? I want their name.”
“It doesn’t matter. Not anymore,” I say. “Answer the question. Why did you turn me?”
“I’ve already given you my reasons for that.”
“Let’s revisit them just once more for old time’s sake,” I say, picking up a heavy gold fountain pen off the desk. It’s tempting to throw it at him, but he would only catch it. “I reminded you of your first love.”
“For a moment. Yes. But the reason I turned you, Skye, was because neither Henry nor Benedict were where they were supposed to be. I woke up in a new century I didn’t understand. I knew you’d be useful in helping me adapt.”
I snort.
“Were you hoping for more?”
“Very well then. We’ve covered the reason why I turned you.” He cocks his head. “But would you like to know why you’re still sleeping in my bed?”
“Because you don’t trust me on my own, along with the added bonus that you know it annoys me. You’d think pettiness fades with age, but apparently not.” I toss the heavy pen back onto the desk and get to my feet. “We’re done here. Thanks for finally telling me what’s going on. Move, please.”
Lucas stays put with his back to the door. “Make me.”
“I’m not in the mood to play.”
“That’s a pity, because I am.”
“Then go find Monica,” I say.
And the moment the words are out of my mouth, I know they’re a mistake.
“Who?” His dark brows draw together. “You mean the human I drank from the other night? The one on Henry’s payroll?”
“Henry really pays her?”
“Some are willing to sell their blood.” He gazes down at me with curiosity. “You’re jealous. But I was barely with her long enough to feed. Why be jealous?”
“I am not jealous.”
“Yes, you are. But all of your emotions are heightened right now. And since I’m your sire, it’s normal to feel drawn to me. It’s not usually something I encourage, but in your case, I’ve decided to make an exception.”
“Ha. No. Don’t do me any favors.”
“Come here,” he orders.
I feel the corresponding tug inside my chest. And it’s not like I didn’t ask him not to use the compulsion crap on me. “Fuck you.”
His smile has more than a flash of fang. “Fuck me yourself, you coward.”
“Great. You’ve discovered memes.” And I kind of hate myself for asking, but I really want to know. “Are you still in love with Ana?”
“No. Of course not. She was a good woman. But she’s been dead for over a millennia. Now come here.”
I shake my head and go to take a step back. But he moves forward and grabs the armholes on the front of my tank, including the lace bra straps beneath. I push against his rock-hard chest and get approximately nowhere. “Let go of me.”