Page 33 of Because the Night

“No. That’s the interesting part.” Samuel’s smile is slow and kind of evil. “Archie kept his purse strings tight and his wealth well hidden. In the event of his unfortunate demise, it was all to go to his favorite. But you’d already dealt with Christos. It’s going to take Josh a while to track down exactly what Archie did with it all.

“And in the meantime, Josh has no visible means of his own. He’s only just over a century old, and not exactly good with finances, according to reports. He also made overtures to a disgruntled member of Javier’s guard. One who’s been vocal about his dislike of the board. Joshua offered him serious money for his sire’s head.”

“How do we know this?”

“Javier employs a hacker.”

“That’s someone who can break into computer systems,” explains Henry. “Intercept electronic mail and messages and so on.”

“Is someone funding Josh?” asks Lucas. “And if so, who?”

“That’s the question,” says Samuel. “But he’s gone to ground and I can’t find him. Wasn’t even able to locate the marksman they used in last night’s attempt. I will say it’s a level of organization and secrecy I wasn’t expecting. Until we figure out if someone powerful is backing him, we have no idea if the attempts on your family will continue, or how serious they’ll be.”

Henry sighs and plays some low, jarring notes. “You’re going to have to send for them, Father.”

“I already have.” Lucas’s face is a perfect blank. “All right, Samuel. Please tell your board that I accept the seat.”

The three of us escort Samuel out to a waiting limousine. Then Henry nods to Lucas and takes off into the night. Guess he’s stalking the neighborhood again for enemies. I actually have enemies. Sort of. How bizarre. Not a problem I thought I would ever have, but here we are. It’s good to be out in the night air. There are so many scents, sights, and sounds. A nervous sort of energy is running rampant through me. At least the horniness and hunger have calmed down for now. Or have they?

“Who have you sent for?” I ask, the moment we’re alone.

Lucas’s high forehead is full of furrows. It is a furrow farm. He still remains handsome as sin, however. It’s not just the sharp angles of his face. There’s something soulful and somber about his eyes. As if he’s gazed into the abyss once too often over the course of his long life. “You’ll see soon enough.”

The way I want to slap him in frustration. But I don’t, so bonus points for me. “Why did you change your mind about accepting the seat?”

“Did you know I’ve been in this town since 1862?”


“I’ve stayed in places longer. But when I built this house, it was because I wanted to put down roots. I like the city of angels, and I have no intention of leaving,” he says, staring off down the dark and empty street. “Which means we need to start dealing with the problems here. Let’s get back inside. You heard whatSamuel said, you need to stay out of view until we have more information.”

“What? No,” I whine. “I’m sick of sitting around.”

“I noticed.”

“You have no room to talk. You were playing with my hair for half of that meeting.”

Hands in his pants pockets, he wanders back into the house. “I was trying to soothe you. All of your foot tapping and fidgeting was distracting.”

“I’m not an animal you can soothe by petting.”

“Whatever you say.” He heads back down the stairs and into the basement. “You did well moving quickly through the house when Samuel arrived. I half expected to find an imprint of your pretty face in my kitchen wall.”

“I didn’t hit anything, thank you very much.”

“Then how about a game of chase?”

I pause. “What?”

“Go,” he says with a tip of his chin. “Stick to the belowground areas.”

“But I can’t outrun you.”

“You’re wasting time. Go.”

“Shit,” I mumble, and take off. Moving this way is a hell of a rush. Like my body flows through the house too fast to be seen. The world passes by in a flash, but my reflexes work just as quickly. I swerve to avoid furniture and walls and other immoveable objects.

I’ve never been a particularly sporty person. It’s been decades since I felt the thrill of moving at genuine speed. The sense of power and sheer fun of it.