Page 20 of Because the Night


“Hm.” He sighs. “It can be a hard and lonely life, this one. Centuries pass and we remain unaltered. Human lives are bright but fleeting. Give the family a chance to grow on you, sweetie. You never know; you might quite like some of us.”

The way we’re being stared at is annoying. And I’ve had enough.

Henry grins. “Look at you with the power moves.”


“You turned your back on them. It means you’re not afraid of them attacking you. Very girl boss. Don’t turn back around, you’ll ruin it.”

“I was just sick of them staring.” I shake my head. “Does everything have to mean something?”

“Immortals tend to overthink things. Thanks to all of that time on our hands.”


“Father is something of a legend among our kind. It makes them curious. He hasn’t made another vampire since me, and that was centuries ago,” he says. “They’re wondering what it means that he turned you. And they’re wondering how strong his blood has made you. I got challenged all the time for the first decade or so. Tedious as fuck.”

“You said he swore off making any more.”

He nods. “Yes. But that’s his story to tell. He wouldn’t appreciate me sharing. What you really need to understand, Skye, is that we’re his family. We’re both his strength and his weakness. He was alone for a long time. It takes a lot for a creature like him to embrace the concept of sharing his long life with others.”

“I highly doubt he cares about me one way or another,” I say. “Saving me from those vampires last night was just a show of strength, like he said. And making me was an act of guilt or pity, as you inferred.”

“Perhaps. Though, the blonde hair and green eyes wouldn’t have hurt.”

“That’s the second time you’ve mentioned that. Why is it important?”

“You found an outfit you liked?” asks Lucas, appearing beside me, holding a full wine glass. If he heard me talking smack about him, it doesn’t show.

He’s been in a meeting in a room on the lower floor for hours. No idea who with. The black pants, button-down shirt, and shoes he has on all look expensive. It sucks how well he wears them. The man has pretty privilege and then some.

I do not want to be attracted to him. However, my gaze strays and then sticks to the strong line of his neck and the way the top three undone buttons reveal a glimpse of his chest, and this is not okay. Crushing on sociopaths is never a good idea. It’s in bad taste on the part of my hormones to notice him in this way at all.

As for him being my sire, Ihavea father, and it is not him. Henry and Lucas can have whatever relationship they like. But we’re a family in the loosest terms possible, as far as I’m concerned.

“Um. Yes,” I say. “Thank you.”

Henry smiles. “She cleans up well. Doesn’t she, Father?”

Lucas nods and takes in my black designer velvet suit and heels. Henry convinced me not to wear a top beneath the jacket. But it’s not like it doesn’t button up to just below my bust. The bulk of me is covered, and no longer having to worry about gravity definitely has its perks. Four-inch heels are also easier to handle, given my vampire grace.

Henry took over doing my makeup after I accidentally broke the shower door and snapped a hairbrush. Controlling my strength is still hit or miss, apparently. My new brother has a variety of talents, including contouring. But it would be boring living forever without learning new things.

“Very nice,” says Lucas, with a vague frown. Like he’s not quite sure if me dressing up is allowed. But it’s the wordbeautifulthat appears in my head. Which is curious. His gaze lingers on my dark red lips. Not a color I would normally wear, but Henry was insistent. Guess he was right.

Lucas turns to face the guests gathered nearby and looks each and every one in the eye. They all break eye contact first.Then he turns to me and hands me the wine glass full of blood. “Drink this. It’s one of your blood bags.”

“The contents came from one of tonight’s guests. Cage-free and consent-certified,” says Henry with a smirk. “No humans were compelled in the production of tonight’s sustenance.”

Lucas ignores him. “You need to stay ahead of the hunger. Open your hand, and I’m going to place the glass into your grip carefully. Try not to break it. It was a gift from an empress.”

“You always did admire Catherine,” says Henry. “Remember that time outside of Druzhba when Benedict and I got you drunk by feeding on those inebriated aristocrats and we chased some bears?”

“Poor bears. Thank you.” I accept the glass as delicately as possible and yes. Success. “If he calls you father, what am I supposed to call you, daddy?”

“I don’t entirely hate the sound of that.” A fleeting smile crosses his lips. He’s even more handsome when he smiles. Devastatingly so. “We can talk about it later if you like.”