And even though she told me she enjoyed it, that was a huge fucking risk.Why did I do that?
Did I want to scare her?Maybe.That would be so much fucking easier. Having her and the guys kick me out would honestly solve all my problems. Because being around Leena, and not being allowed to touch her, is fucking tearing me to pieces.
But how broken would I be if I left?
Fuck, I’m ridiculous.
She’s just a girl. One who doesn’t belong to me. I can settle for us being friends.
I think she might be the best friend I’ve ever had.
And I just went and ruined fucking everything because I had the sudden urge to whip my dick out so I could determine once and for all if she finds me attractive.
So. Fucking. Stupid, Colt!Who cares if Leena thinks I’m hot if she never speaks to me again? But… she is attracted to me.
She absolutely is.
I may have been busy fucking Mia at the time, but I have security cameras all through this place. So, I couldn’t help but watch her face on the video feed after I sent the three of them home with my driver last night. I saw the way she squirmed in her chair. How she bit her lip when I…okay,enough of that.
I’m done with it.
Tomorrow, I’ll be getting on a plane to leave the country with Leena,my boss,and the entire team. I don’t need to spend a fifteen-hour flight thinking about her reaction to me.
I almost wish the first act would have scared her off, that way I would know for a fact that she’s not into this sort of thing. I could give up on the notion of kinky sex with Leena and wondering about all herfun facts. We could go back to beingfriends.
Yeah, fucking right.
“Fuck,” I groan into my palms. I’m shaking my head at my own stupidity when my phone vibrates on the desk in front of me.
“Fisher,” I say, not recognizing the number.
“Where are you?” Sebastian grinds out from the other side. The tone of his voice, and the fact that he’s using a burner phone, has me already heading for a weapon and the door.
“At The Club. What happened?” I bark out, stepping into the elevator. I switch him to speakerphone so I can pull up the app that remote starts the chopper.
It’s Luke who replies, “Chen called. Several vehicles with blacked-out plates are closing in on the penthouse. Chase and I just got all our gear dropped off for transport, we’re leaving the airport now. Twenty minutes out.”
“Fisher,” Sebastian speaks up, and I don’t like the tone in his fucking voice. “Leena’s there by herself.”
“Fuck!” My jaw clenches and I squeeze the phone so tight I’m surprised it didn’t break.
The second the doors open to the rooftop, I’m already fucking running.
I set the chopper down and see Leena’s bag sitting at the edge of the landing pad.
But where the fuck is Leena?!
Herassshould be out here, not her fucking bag.
I jump out, fuming as I run past it. I quickly unlock the gate thatthank fuckI now have a key for, then run past the pool, throwing open the sliding doors as I make my way inside.
“Leena!” I fucking shout for her, my voice breaking.
“In here!” she calls out from their bedroom. I run down the hall, skidding to a stop and nearly running into her. “I had to get their bags… their passports!” She looks up at me, frantic as she tries to drag three duffles out the door.
The relief of finding her alive, and still here, is quickly replaced by the urgency to get her the fuck out. Ourguestswill be here soon.