“They really do. Luke!” she squeals as Luke shoves past Sebastian to scoop the small woman up in a similar hug before setting her back on her heels.
I stare.
“Amazing fucking job tonight, Mia. You’ve come a long way. Super proud of you.” Luke beams at her.
“Thank you.” She smiles sweetly up at him.
Okay. What the fuck is happening?
“Mia, I see you’ve met Leena?” Luke asks.
“Not officially,” she says, holding out a hand to me. “I’m Mia.”
“Leena,” I say warily, trying to figure outhow wellthis woman knows my men.
“Leena is with me and Seb,” Luke says confidently, wrapping an arm around me. It warms my heart howproudhe sounds. I love that we can be ourselves here without a second thought.
“Aw, I’m so happy for you. That’s really great.” She smiles between the three of us. “Oh! I’ve never fucked them,” she clarifies, pointing between Sebastian and Luke, clearly picking up on my wariness a moment ago. “I was a waitress back then.”
Thank fuck for that.I relax immediately and smile at her.
Then I hear the voice of the man whohasfucked her… probably a lot. No way in hell was tonight the first time.
That shit was rehearsed.
“Mia, your drinks!” Colton calls out from behind the bar, the joy of blindsiding me still plastered all over his face. She smiles over at him, then steps up to lean against the bar where he sets a water and a glass of red wine.
“Oh, do you want a chair?” I say, pointing at the one I’m sitting on. Because it seems rude not to offer after her…workout.
“I’ll stand, thank you.” She chuckles, giving Colton pointed glance.He winks at her and she smiles back.
Wow.He’s just winking at everyone tonight.
I suppose one would want to stand after being flogged and given five fucking orgasms.
I quickly down half my drink, then turn to stare at my men.
“Come on,” Luke says, offering me his hand. “Let’s all go sit down so you can ask us your questions.”
He helps me off the chair, and I grab my drink from the counter.
“It was so nice to meet you, Leena!” Mia waves.
“Nice to meet you, too!” I smile, entranced by this woman. You would never know she was so sweet and quiet by the way her and Colton stalked each other around the stage.
I sit down in a silvery velvet chair, then point for the guys to sit on the curved couch facing me.
Right where I can fucking see them.
“You used to work here,” I start.
“That’s not a question, sugar.” Sebastian smirks at me.
“Whatexactlydid you do while you were working here?” I tap my glass with my fingers, looking between them. They glance at each other, and Sebastian gives Luke the go-ahead.
“We trained submissives and Dominants. Either partners or individuals looking to join the lifestyle but not sure where to start, or people in it who were wanting to try new things. It can be dangerous, so it’s important to understand not only how to use the equipment properly, but also how to establish and maintain trust, rules and boundaries between everyone involved,” he explains.