We’re about the same height, so her naked breasts are pressed against where mine are hidden under this dress. I move my other hand to her cheek, and our lips find each other immediately. And this woman isn’t just beautiful, she’s also one hell of a kisser.
In one quick erotic display our tongues and mouths explore every inch of each other.
I’m a little breathless when I finally pull away.
“I’ll have a tequila sunrise. Thank you,” I beam at her, and her eyes track my lips as I talk.
“My pleasure,” she says, her eyes raking over me one last time before heading off to the bar. I watch her ass as she goes. Then I straighten out my dress and settle myself back into my chair before looking up.
It takes everything in my power not to laugh at the three wide-eyed men staring back at me.
Luke’s jaw has nearly hit the table, Sebastian’s drink is suspended halfway to his lips as he stares, and Colton just looks like he’s in pain.
But I keep perfect composure, because I was making a fucking point.
I think they got it.
“So what are we watching?”
The lights dim. I’m sitting next to Luke, Sebastian is on the other side of him and I’ve been saving the chair next to me for Colton, who is finally coming up the aisle with our drinks.
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispers, passing down the beverages before settling into the chair beside me.
We’re sitting in a row of surprisingly comfortable chairs that were pulled out from around the tables to face a stage settled in the middle of the large room. There are countless more tables and chairs surrounding us on all sides. As I look around, I realize that this room is pretty near capacity.
The number of people who seemed to recognize and send friendly gestures to my men as we made our way to our seats was staggering. I guess my men came to this club more often than I originally thought, because they haven’t been here since before they took the job with my father two years ago. And yet, everyone still remembers them.
I look back to study the stage, and to say that my curiosity is piqued, is a fucking understatement. When I asked the guys how sexual this show actually is, they told me, “It isn’t sexual in nature, it’s just people having sex.”
Right in front of me.
And holy fuck does that turn me on, which seems to surprise them. But I also wonder if it’s just theideathat turns me on, or if I will actually get off on watching strangers fuck.
I guess I’m about to find out.
The room goes pitch-black when the music starts. Then a single spotlight shines on stage, illuminating a couple who are frozen in place, suspended in an erotic moment that looks more like a sculpture.
It’s beautiful.
When the music builds and they start to move, slowly and in perfect sync with the music, I’m absolutely mesmerized.
I can’t take my eyes off them.
Even when they hold each other, and I understand by their motion that this is in fact two people screwing each other in front of me, I still find it beautiful. The dance they do tells a story of two people in love who are forced apart, longing for one another. It’s so heart-wrenching that even when it’s over, I’m left staring at the place where they danced, imagining the rest of their story.
“How you doing with this, baby girl?” Luke whispers while the staff resets the stage. He places a hand on my knee, clearly trying to judge my reaction by my blank stare. I shake my head to clear it.
“That was…” I can’t find the words to describe it.
“Art?” Colton offers in a whisper beside me. I turn, finding his eyes studying mine. I never noticed how green they are.
I nod my head, agreeing, still caught up in the moment.
Before the lights go down again, I turn to my men, smiling my reassurance and they both look relieved. I reach over to hold Luke’s hand. Then I notice he’s holding Sebastian’s hand in the other, their fingers interlaced.