“Well, it’s hot in here. I’m going outside,” Jessica says, which is not unusual. The woman is seven months pregnant and has been overheating all night.
“Me too. Leena?” Chelsea asks and I give them a grateful look for saving me from this conversation. I get enough sports talk in my own home, especially when Colton’s there. I wonder for a moment what he’s doing tonight, but quickly push it away. I’ve been thinking about him far too much lately.
The three of us make our way out to the front porch and sit at the round wooden table. I topped off my wine before we came out here and I take another sip, smiling at it, grateful for the liquid comfort after this day.
“Okay, spill it,” Chelsea says, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and tapping it on the table in front of her. “And don’t tell my mother I smoke,” she adds through the one that’s now hanging from her mouth.
“Spill what?” I chuckle as she relaxes back into her chair, blowing smoke away from the table and tapping on her own wine glass as she smiles at me. All the kids went to bed an hour ago, so it’s quiet for the first time since I got here.
“Oh, come on. The stories told at the family table are hardly the truth. We want the actual story,” Jessica says. And I chuckle, not sure where to even start with that question, or how much Luke actually wants me telling his sisters. “Like how do you manage to live with both of them?”
“Because she’s fucking both of them,” Chelsea says and I choke on my fucking wine, setting my glass down and covering my mouth with my hand as I continue to do so.
“What the fuck, Chels?!” Jessica says, reaching over to pat me on the back while I try to pull myself together.
Chelsea laughs before speaking again, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you. And don’t worry, I’m sure no one noticed. I’m just a lot more observant than anyone in there, plus they wouldn’t even consider that as being an option. But I know my fucking brother better than he thinks, even if he tries to hide it. And I know Seb too. I’ve never seen that man smile so much in my fucking life. You are, aren’t you?”
I stare at her for a long moment, the silence hanging between us.
“No fucking way,” Jessica breathes out beside me, figuring out the answer by my non-denial. “Are you?”
Damn this wine. It’s throwing me off my game and these women can see right through me.
So I give up.
I pick up my wine and lean back in my chair, smirking as I stare between the two sisters who I already consider my friends.
“I’m not sure if Lu wants everyone to know, so please, don’t say anything… but… yes, I am.” I’m unable to hide my smile at the relief washing over me from being able to tell someone here about us. To be seen and understood by at least two members of Luke’s family. A family that I sort of adore already. Sure, their mother has her opinions, many of which I don’t agree with, but she has been so kind and welcoming, I can hardly judge her entire character based on the way she was raised and what she continues to believe.
“I fucking knew it,” Chelsea says, smiling so wide I can’t help but match her smile.
“Holy. Shit. I have so many questions,” Jessica says, but she’s smiling too. And she’s probably wishing she could have wine tonight instead of the water she’s downing as if that will do the trick.
“What sort of questions? I could tell you where they put it,” Chelsea says to her sister and we both laugh.
“Yeah, but like, do they each have their own night? Or, is it at the same time?” She stares off, her eyes going wide as she slowly starts painting the picture in her mind. That’s when Chelsea and I completely lose our shit laughing. The look on her face as she figures it out is so fucking funny.
Once I’m physically able to form words again, I decide to answer her question. Since, apparently, I’ve lost my goddamn mind.
Luke’s going to murder me for this.
“At the same time, Jes. We all sleep in the same bed,” I finally answer.
“And you’re not married?!” Chelsea gasps in feigned horror and we all laugh again.
“I always knew Luke wasn’t the golden boy Ma and Dad made him out to be, butholy shit.This is…” Jessica shakes her head.
“I know,” I say, unable to hide my smile.
“So do you love them? Or is this just some kinky phase you’re all going through?” Chelsea asks, but by her tone, I don’t think she would mind either way. And that’s how I know how much she truly cares for Luke. Because no matter what the answer is, she still loves him, still accepts me.
I smile wide at that.
“I’m in love with both of them. Truly.” I meet her eyes so she knows I’m serious. She takes a deep breath.
“Well, alright then. Welcome to the fucking family,” she says, holding out her hand. I stare at it, feeling more seen and more loved than I ever thought would be possible from these strangers I just met this morning. I take it, holding it for a moment as we smile at each other. Jessica smiles wide too, looking as if she’s proud to have me here.
“Okay, so how did youactuallywind up with the guys?” Jessica asks and I start laughing again.