Page 70 of The Heart

Which is why I don’t want her to worry about the next twenty-four hours. She’s had enough worry. So, I told her it would be fine.

Which it probably will be.


“Luke,” Sebastian growls from the driver’s seat. I look down, noticing my fist is clenched again. I loosen my fingers, then run them through my hair.

“What?” I say, exasperated.

“You fucking know what. Calm the fuck down,” he chides.

“I’m calm,” I say. Then I realize how quickly I said it, which probably didn’t help my case.

“Are you sure you want me to come to this?” Leena asks.

“What? Oh fuck, baby girl, of course I do.” I look back at her and she smiles sweetly.

She’s not the one I’m worried about.

And I’m not entirely sure if Sebastian is either. Butboth of them?

How in the fuck do I explainthat?Well, I suppose that’s an easy answer. I’m definitely not explaining that.

So how in the fuck do I hide it? Sebastian and I have been pretty good about the public displays of affection, so we’re used to that, but can he keep his hands off of Leena? Can I keep my hands off him? My family is really fucking observant, and they’ve seen Sebastian and I interacting since we were teenagers. But it’s different now.Will they notice?

“It’s just a day, then we’re going home. Yes?” Sebastian says, but I barely hear him. I didn’t think this through. Didn’t think I would be feeling this way.

Then his hand is on my clenched fist again, holding it. “Yes?” he repeats.

“Yes. Just a day. It will be good to see them,” I say, turning my hand so I can hold his. I take a deep breath, because it helps.

God,why am I so nervous?

Because you want them to like her.

Because you’ve never brought a woman home before…I suddenly realize that this will be the first time. Sure, Sebastian and I have had women in the past, both together and separate, but they were always submissives. And bringing them to meet my family would have been… awkward.

I suppose it doesn’t matter what my family thinks. Because there isn’t anything anyone could say or do that would change how I feel about Leena and Sebastian. About the three of us together. And Sebastian’s little breakdown last night proved once again that he feels the same way. That this is important.

This iseverything.

We pull into the gravel driveway of the large, two story, Colonial-style home my family has lived in since before I was born. It’s rustic, but they keep it nice. There’s even a pasture and barn out back that was a hell of a lot of fun when we were kids. I think they might even have a few of my old dirt bikes still in the shed.

Sebastian turns off the car and the three of us are silent for a moment, Leena leans between us to see out the front window.

“It’s so cute!” She beams.

“How can a house be fucking cute? It’s a house. And it ain’t small,” Sebastian asks, staring at her sideways.

“You know what I mean.” She smiles and slaps his arm as they look at each other. I smile looking at them.

“You good?” Sebastian asks me and I open the car door before I have time to think about that question.

“Yup,” I say, slamming it. I open the back, and watch as Leena retrieves her bag.

“Put it down, sugar. You don’t want to get Lu in trouble in the first five fucking minutes,” Sebastian tells her, and I’m grateful for it. Because he’s right. Leena looks confused, but she gives in, even though I can tell she doesn’t want to. She grabs her smaller bag, letting me take the larger one.