Page 66 of The Heart

“Ah! My shirt!” he shouts.

“Hand it over, Fisher!” I shout back.

“What, noplease?And did you forget my first name? Aw, Lu, I thought we were close,” he mocks, fighting off my attempts to remove the article.

“You’reFisherat work, and when you’re in goddamn trouble, kid,” I grumble, finally getting a good grip on the man and shoving him further into the room.

Shoving himtoohard, apparently.

Because he’s got a hold on me and before I know it, we’re both going over.

“And what have we learned?” Leena lectures from where she’s perched on the kitchen island.

Colton is shirtless and sitting on the barstool in front of her, while she works to clean the blood from a cut on his forehead. I’m sitting on the next barstool over, letting Sebastian wrap my wrist.

“That… I shouldn’t try to come on Lu’s shirt?” Colton smiles up at her. If he didn’t just sustain a head injury, she might have smacked him upside it. She does enjoy doing that.

“No,” she scolds him.

“That… Colton should learn to run faster?” I tease, looking over at them.

Leena actually looks a little pissed, it’s sort of adorable.

“No,” Sebastian scolds me.

I love it when he does that.

“Ow!” The bastard actually smacks me.

“No fighting in the house! There’s not enough room in here for all your biceps and testosterone. You’re going to break something,again,or yourselves!” Leena scolds and we’re all quiet for a moment.

“Well, it is a lot of biceps,” I say.

“So many,” Colton adds. We both chuckle.

Then we both get smacked for that one by our mean and horrible nurse staff. But I guess we’ll keep them.

I’llkeep them.

I crease my forehead, finding it strange how used to having Colton around we’ve all become after such a short time. But I’m glad he could stay tonight. We had a lot of fun, and Leena and I both needed the distraction.

And there’s nothing more distracting than watching your roommate find out his two best friends are fucking each other.

“There,” Leena says as she finishes securing the butterfly bandage on Colton’s forehead. I watch her smooth it out carefully, her fingers lingering on his skin.

I see the way he looks up at her.

“Thank you,” he whispers.

“You’re welcome,” she says, just as softly, before slowly pulling her hands away, their eyes still locked.

I stare between them, considering how I feel about this. I stare until they notice, quickly breaking their eye contact.

Huh,I wonder.

“Ow!” I say again, my focus shooting back to where Sebastian tightens my bandage.Too tight,then tears off a strip of medical tape with his teeth to secure it. Clearly having missed Leena and Colton’s entire interaction.