Page 62 of The Heart

I stare out the large glass window, watching the lights of the city sparkle, blanketing the world below. I’ll never get tired of this view. Or this city.

Because it’s so far from the one I left behind.

“Hey, it’s already past midnight,” Luke says, glancing at his phone.

“Then you have to open your presents!” I say, my excitement growing.

“Time foryouto open presents. Get over here, sugar,” Sebastian says, tipping his head toward the tree and sitting on the floor beside it.

And there’s just something about Sebastian being barefoot, wearing sweatpants and a giant grin on his face as he sits next to a tree covered in twinkling lights, that warms my heart.

I snuggle up close beside him and he plops a present in my lap. Luke comes to sit beside me, wearing my favorite gray sweatpants of his that he, apparently, finally stole back from Colton.

My eyes flash over to him, but I quickly look away so I don’t have to watch the abs and biceps of a shirtless, barefoot Colton flex as he sits cross-legged in front of us.

Is this heaven? It might be.

Or, that might be the lingering alcohol talking.

I blink, bringing my focus back to the present in my lap and reading the label.

“To Leena, from your favorite.” I nearly snort out a laugh, recognizing Sebastian’s handwriting immediately. “I don’t have a favorite. And I’m very impressed by the wrapping job,” I say, narrowing my eyes as I study the gift. I cannot for the life of me picture Sebastian wrapping a present.

“Oh, youractualfavorite wrapped all the presents. And that’s from the both of us,asshole,”he says, directing the last word over my head toward the man grinning beside me.

That makes more sense.

“Again, no favorites.” I smile, tearing off the paper to find a flat box. When I open the lid I’m… confused. I hold up the little keychain, admiring the intricate design, weaved together to form a whale tail. It’s absolutely beautiful, and even though I love it, I feel like I’m missing something.

“Open the envelope.” Sebastian points into the box, and I carefully take out the thick paper, reading the words on it.

That’s when I start sniffling, my chest tight from the feelings washing over me. I’m unable to speak.

“What is it?” Colton asks, leaning over to try and see it, but Luke begins to explain.

“It’s one of thosesave the oceanplaces. We made a donation, and–”

“We adopted a whale! Her name is Sasha!” I blurt out, finding my voice after-all.

“You bought her a whale?” Colton chuckles.

“Adopted,”Sebastian corrects.

“Where are you gonna put it?” Colton asks, looking around our home. I chuckle while Sebastian is busy rolling his eyes.

“You give a donation to help the ocean and take care of the whale. We picked one out to support,” Luke says, sliding an arm behind me and holding himself up with it as he leans in to point at the remaining slip of paper in the box. “You can download the app and follow where she is by her tracker. They give you updates on her health, and there’s a photo gallery.” Luke points out and I turn into him, clutching at my tiny keychain as I kiss him.

“So you like it?” he asks, barely breaking our contact.

“This is the best present, thank you.” I nearly sob, but find myself kissing his smile again instead.

The fact that my men know me well enough to buy me something this personal, this thoughtful, has me absolutely overwhelmed.

I turn to Sebastian. “Thank you for our whale baby.” I beam up at him.

“Yourwhale baby,” Sebastian huffs down at me.

“Don’t pretend your name isn’t on the adoption certificate, Sebastian Herman Chase. You will love our child just as much as Luke and I do,” I scold. Colton and Luke both let out loud bellows, and I can’t help my smile.