“Thanks for coming by, Colt. I appreciate it,” Luke says quietly.
“Yeah, man. Of course,” he says. We’re all silent for a long moment. “Do you mind if I…” Colton asks, swirling around what little is left in the bottom of the tequila bottle.
“You know where the spare room is.” I chuckle.
“Are ya sure? I’ve never gotten a DUI in a helicopter before. Could be a fun time,” he jokes. I roll my eyes.
“Hey, Colt, next time you decide to stop by, maybe call first?” Luke berates him, no doubt dealing with a similar case of blue balls as I am currently.
“What? Did landing my helicopter on your roof interrupt something?” He smirks, downing the rest of the bottle.
“Yes,” I grumble.
“Well tell me this, is there ever a time you’renotfucking?” Colton laughs.
I consider that for a moment.
“Probably not.” I snicker. Then I decide that my sudden good mood must be from the alcohol, and not because of how fucking happy I am that we get to fuck Leena all the time. That I get to fuck Luke all the time now too. That the three of us–
“Okay, time to put on some pants, big boy,” Colton says, pointing the bottle toward my lap as he stands. I look down.
He’s right, I’m getting hard.
I probably should’ve put pants on earlier. Or a towel. But I didn’t fucking feel like it.
As soon as Colton walks away, Luke’s gaze finds its way to my lap. He stares with a look that has my cock twitching.
“Well, that’s not going to fucking help,” I grumble, glaring at him before I stand, palming my dick to urge it the fuck down.
Colton wanders back over after throwing away the bottle and puts his hands on his hips, looking between us.
I glare at him, because he has this goddamn smirk that tells me he’s up to no good. I guess he’s always up to some shit, but I know it’s going to be extra stupid when he has this look on his face.
“Welp, I’m heading to bed,” he says, his tone chipper.Toochipper. He leans forward and back on his heels, stretching. Then, before either of us can do anything about it, he snags Luke’s towel. He takes off with it, laughing as he sprints into the house, a butt-ass naked Luke chasing after him.
I hear something inside the house break, several things, actually.
Leena’s going to be pissed.
Oh well.Their problem, not mine.
I smile when I hear their deep laughter, and hear more things break. I chuckle, then lean down to scoop our sleeping girl up into my arms and carry her to bed.
When I wake up, I’m in the middle of the bed. I don’t usually sleep in the middle, but last night wasn’t exactly usual.
Leena is all curled up at my side, those perfect pouty lips parted while she sleeps. I smile at that. Especially knowing she’s naked under that sheet.
I look down my body to find Luke, who fell asleep drunk and naked on top of the covers, his head resting on my bare stomach, his arm draped over my waist. I stare, watching the muscles of his back move as he breathes steadily.
I feel this weird fucking need to comfort him all of a sudden. Probably because the news he got yesterday was shit, and I’m getting really tired of seeing this man in pain. Isn’t what he went through with me enough? Aren’t the nights he can’t sleep because of it, enough?
As I’m watching him sleep, something catches my eye.