A helicopter is flying over and I’m suddenly aware that the three of us are naked, illuminated clearly by the light of the pool. I glance up, shielding my eyes as I try to determine how far away it is.
When my hair starts flying into my face, and the water in the pool stirs around us, I realize it’s not that far.
The sound of the blades is deafening.
Luke and Sebastian hold me tighter between them, no doubt to shield my naked body.
“Is that?” Luke shouts over the noise.
“Yup!” Sebastian replies, and he doesn’t sound very happy about it.
When I glance up again, I catch a glimpse of someone waving out the window.What the hell?Who in the fuck has a helicopt–
When it turns, heading toward the helipad at the far end of the roof, the three of us share a knowing look.
Sebastian grumbles, clearly unhappy with this turn of events. “Come on, sugar. Better get you some clothes.”
Imanage to retrieve Leena’s swimsuit from the now turbulent pool. I toss it to Sebastian so he can help her back into it, then quickly grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist as I make my way over to the gate, unlocking it for whenever Colton decides to join us.
My cock aches from what he just interrupted. Sebastian’s probably does too, but as I walk back his way, I notice he’s not even bothering to cover up. He’s making his way around to the backside of the bar, standing behind a counter that’s just barely tall enough to cover his junk. Leaving a pretty clear view of the muscled lines pointing to it.
My eyes linger.
Then I notice he’s already drinking straight from the bottle of tequila. I take a deep breath, settling onto the barstool next to Leena. We’re going to have to work on this. Because if he thinks he can just get drunk when he’s around Colton instead of telling him the goddamn truth about us, then all he’s earned himself is a lot of fucking miserable hangovers… that Leena and I will have to deal with in the morning.
I was fine with him not telling the team in the beginning, but now?
Colton isn’t stupid. He’s going to figure it out eventually, if he hasn’t already, and this is getting fucking ridiculous.
I’ve tried talking to Sebastian about it, several times in fact, and the conversation always ends the same. A lot of him not listening and us getting nowhere, followed by him finding a way todistractme from the conversation.
Always something involving our dicks, and Leena that I can’t say no to.
Maybe I’ve only been fine with it up until now because I didn’t know what this was either. Now, I do.
I have to tell him. I just… don’t know how. Or how he’ll react.
“Oh, hey, guys!” Colton says with that chipper disposition he always seems to have, then he walks right past me and Leena.
We both tense.
Because he walks straight behind the bar to stand next to Sebastian.
Colton takes the tequila out of his hand, and just stands there. Their eyes lock for several seconds; amusement in Colton’s, utterdisdainin Sebastian’s.
And then Colton looks down.
He looks down for a long time before dragging his eyes back up to continue their staring contest. I have to run a hand over my mouth to hide my smile, because I’m about to lose my shit laughing. Mostly because of Sebastian’s face and Colton’s fucking smirk, but also because of how big Leena’s eyes get when she realizes what’s happening.
Colton looks down again, then back up before breaking the silence.
“I knew you’d be happy to see me.” He smiles at Sebastian, then leans past him to grab the shot glasses, sliding them slowly across the counter in front of the man, his smirk only growing wider as this plays out.