“Yeah, yeah, I know. Fisher, can sit in my lap,” Jace says, the van already pulling up close beside our vehicle.
“Guys…” Leena tries again, a warning in her tone.
I smile.
“Try not to miss me, boss lady,” Colton quips. I roll my eyes as I steady our vehicle, guiding us closer to where Ryan has the van door open.
“I’m hungry. Can we get food after this?” Colton asks from where he’s sitting in the window, reaching out for a handhold on the van.
“Colton! What the fuck are you doing?!” Leena shouts.
“I can’t do another burger,” I say, watching in my mirror as Colton expertly steps into the other vehicle beside us. The van pulls away, then slows, moving back in line behind us.
“What about Mexican?” Luke offers.
“Fisher! Get your ass out of my face!” Jace shouts through the radio, the van behind us swerving a little as Colton trades places with him.
“Gray, get your face out of my ass!” The radio clicks off for a moment and I tap the wheel with my thumb, waiting for them to get their shit together. “Okay, hit it!” Colton shouts.
I smile, then step on the gas.
As soon as I do, I hear the unmistakable sound of automatic weapons.
Igrip the door handle, hanging on for my goddamn life. I watch the speedometer tick well past one-hundred before looking away, the sound of very large weapons splitting the air behind us.
“Would the two of you mindwarning methe next time you think we’re about to be shot at?” I lecture.
“Sorry sugar, I thought sending the kid out the window would have clued you in.” Sebastian chuckles.
I glare. It aggravates the hell out of me how calm they are in these types of situations, but I guess it could be worse. I do appreciate how they always seem to be one step ahead and know what to do in order to keep us safe.
I glance at the van behind us, watching it easily keep pace with ours, swerving here and there to evade the onslaught of bullets coming from the vehicle behind it. I didn’t know that Colton’s such a good driver, or that he wouldn’t bat an eyelash when Sebastian told him to switch vehicles in the middle of the freeway.
I’m still trying to steady my heart rate from that little stunt, because whether I like it or not, I care far too much about that man’s safety.Damn him.
“Next exit, then turn left. Think you can shake them in town?” Luke says.
“Maybe. They’ll at least have to put the weapons away,” Sebastian replies, slowing our speed as he takes the offramp.
He was right, as soon as we are in town, they stop firing. There’s no doubt the authorities would be on them in under a minute if they tried to pull that with this many cars and people around.
“Guys, there’s a sticker on their front windshield, top left corner. Looks like the Jack of Spades,” Ava says over the radio.
I stare out the window as Sebastian weaves in and out of traffic, taking turn after turn. Colton keeps the van close behind.
“How did they find us?” I ask quietly.
“They were waiting off the side of the road. Must have known we’d be coming back into town today,” Sebastian answers.
“We’ll look into it when we’re home,” Luke tries to assuage my concern.
It doesn’t work.