Page 148 of The Heart

Sebastian grinds his jaw and has a pained expression, but I know he’ll let me do this, and that he would rather have me at his side too.

My eyes find Luke’s and I realize now that I have a better understanding of what he must have felt that day in the warehouse. The moment he thought we lost Sebastian.

He’s watching me closely, and I don’t doubt he’s thinking that very same thing.

“She’s coming with, Colt. So are you. We’re doing this together,” Luke says, then looks at Sebastian, who nods his agreement.

Colton lets out a frustrated growl, then grabs his weapon and steps out onto the dock, wincing as he does. I stare at him for a moment. His shirt is still open, his hair loose in its bun, and the strap of the larger weapon crosses his muscled torso that’s covered in tattoos and scars.

His face is set in a worried expression, and I don’t blame him for wanting me safe. But I want him safe too.

He racks his pistol and takes a breath, holding out his other hand for me. I take it, and he helps me out onto the dock.

Sebastian and Luke join us, equally armed, and the four of us take one last glance at each other before heading up the dock toward the boathouse. I’m carrying a nine millimeter, but the weapon suddenly feels small compared to my entourage of muscled bodyguards, casually sporting a slew of AKs between them.

The dock leads right inside the small boathouse, and as we approach, I ready my weapon, gripping it tighter. Sebastian nods back at us, raising his AK to his shoulder as he steps around the corner and we follow close behind.

The first thing I see is the boat Ryan described to us, bobbing in the water.

Then I see two people stepping off of it and onto the platform.

“Stop right there! Hands in the air and turn around!” Sebastian yells, his cop voice echoing through the large enclosed room. I see the back of a small blonde woman standing beside a taller man. They’re both soaking wet. Their hair, their clothes, even their shoes.

Then everything happens so fast.

My heart beats heavy in my chest as the man quickly wraps an arm around the woman, pulling her to his chest and turning to face us.

The knife at her throat glistens in the light.

It’s at this moment I realize that the terrified young woman being held at knifepoint is my baby sister.

“Kathryn! Let her go!” I shout, stepping out in front of my men and raising my weapon.

“Leena?” I hear her soft voice say in disbelief.

The man is so much taller than her, that I might be able to get a shot in. But it’s so fucking risky with her this close that I don’t even consider it.

Luke steps up beside me.

His weapon was out a second ago, but now it’s not even raised. I look around, Sebastian and Colton’s aren’t raised either. I glance between them, confused.

Then I turn back to study the man behind my sister. He’s breathing heavily with adrenaline, so is she, but his brows are furrowed in a familiar sort of way. I stare, wondering if I’ve met him before.

And then I see it.

He’s taller than the boy I saw in the photograph, older, but even through all the tattoos crawling up his neck, it’s impossible not to recognize him. Because he has the same exact striking blue eyes as Luke.

Asher Campbell.



As I follow everyone into the penthouse, I can’t believe how much work was done while we were gone. You would never even know the mess of glass and bullet holes that riddled this place the last time Leena and I were here.

Once Ryan figured out how the security system was hacked before, he was able to design a whole new one. So, instead of running off to find a new home until the Deck tracked them down again, they basically just secured the building tighter than Fort Knox.

I slowly set down the bags I helped carry up and pause, suddenly feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Sure, I shared a bed with Leena, Sebastian and Luke when we were on the op, but that was different. This is their home, not mine. And they’re going to need to use my– the guest room, I mean. It’s their family and they have a lot to fucking deal with. And I don’t know where I fit into any of it.