Page 144 of The Heart

I’m afraid I'll fuck this up. I honestly don't know if I'm cut out for this... being the person they need me to be. But I intend to try.

Every. Single. Fucking. Day.

Luke leans in, and I kiss him slowly too, tightening my grip around his back.

“I love you both,” I say, because I truly fucking mean that.

Our eyes snap up when Colton starts hauling us up. He’s smiling.

It’s arealfucking smile, I realize. Not that bullshit Colton smirk we’re all so used to seeing. He stares for a long moment, then we hear the comm lines switch on.

“Fisher to Geek Squad, I lost sight of the boat. We can troll the shoreline once I’ve got management back on board,” he says.

“Copy that,” Ryan says, and the radio clicks off.

The sound of the helicopter becomes deafening the closer we get, until the three of us are hanging right outside the open doorway. Colton reaches out for what I assume is the cable. Instead, he reaches straight for Leena, grabbing at her shirt right between her breasts and hauling us inside.

Okay,I know for a fact Leena isn’t wearing a bra. She never wears a bra. So what the fuck was that? I narrow my eyes at Colton.

All of a sudden, he’s hauling Leena up and out from between me and Luke.


I know that lift.

This motherfucker.

“Is she wearing a fucking harness?” I bark out at him. Because, clearly,healready knew that little detail.

I glance at Luke as we get to our feet. And the way he raises his hands, and the absolute shock and pleasure in his eyes tells me he didn’t know about this either. The two of us turn and just fucking stare at them.

Colton is holding Leena in front of him, lifting her up by what’s abso-fucking-lutely a harness. Her toes barely touch the ground, and I don’t doubt they’d be completely off it if he wasn’t injured.

She looks up at him, a little in surprise, but mostly just in reverence.

He glares down at her. Between the dominant way he’s holding her, and knowing that there’s a fuckingharnesshidden under that thin shirt, my cock is instantly fucking hard.

I can’t believe he put her in a harness.

I can’t believe she agreed to it.

“You test my patience,” he growls out.


“Sorry, sir,” she replies immediately, those big doe eyes looking up at him. And now I’m thinking about all the ways the three of us are going to punish her for this one.

Colton lets out another displeased noise from deep in his chest, then jerks her against him, slamming his lips onto hers. Leena immediately responds, pressing her hips into him and sliding her hands up his chest.

I watch. I can’t look away.


Leena is wearing a fucking harness.

My mind starts running through every sexual position those little straps of leather will make possible. Every. Single. Fucking. One.

When their kiss finally breaks, Colton sets her down and she’s left trying to straighten out her crumpled shirt. I’m left standing here with a throbbing cock.