They all chuckle. I might have said that last one out loud.
Sebastian removes his helmet, then tosses it at the car behind him. It bounces off the windshield, shattering it and causing the vehicle to swerve, slowing it for the time being. Then he speeds up until he’s close to us.
“Alright, Seb’s legs need to be where yours are. Lift yourself up, baby girl,” Luke says, shamelessly using the endearment to calm me.
It works.
Damn him.
I grab onto the cable then gasp when Luke grabs my ass with both hands, helping lift me up off his lap far enough to make room for Sebastian.
I hold tight, not looking down as we grow closer to the blurring ground beneath us.
“Hop on,sugar,” Luke shouts toward Sebastian, and after all their jokes land flat, that’s it.
That’s the one that finally breaks me.
I burst out laughing.
I laugh even harder when I hear Sebastian grumbling through our comms, but I manage to pull it together when his large hand grips the cable at my stomach. I lean out, giving him room for the other. His biceps flex as his arms wrap around me, the cable bows as he lifts up, then tucks himself under me. I look back at him, smiling at his smirk and loving the feeling of him pressed against me as I lower myself down into his lap.
“Hold tight, love birds. Let’s get you out of range then I’ll haul you up,” Colton says just as the vehicle chasing us starts shooting again. I grip the cable tighter, and feel Sebastian and Luke’s arms lock around each other, pressing me between them as we’re hauled quickly upward.
Colton takes us back out over the water, and even though we’re dangerously high over the crashing waves, being over the ocean instead of land somehow makes me feel better.
Not being shot at also makes me feel better.
When my fear finally subsides to a steady pulse, I look around. It’s gorgeous up here. The turquoise water rolls up onto the perfect sand, the trees beyond are a vibrant shade of green. Even the hum of the chopper above is somehow comforting as we hang here, weightless in the breeze.
I look at Luke, finding his gorgeous blue eyes watching me curiously. He’s smiling just enough to show off his dimples and jawline. His features are so striking that I suddenly forget all about the views surrounding us.
“What?” I ask him, returning his smile as I brush a hair out of my face.
“Nothing. I just love you, Leena.” He smiles wider.
“I love you, too.” I cup his perfect face in my hand, letting my fingers trail over his jaw.
Sebastian presses a kiss in my hair, the gesture so soft compared to how he normally is. I like his roughness, but my heart melts in these special moments when he chooses to be gentle.
As scary as this situation is, I feel the comfort of being this close to them, in knowing that Colton is the one keeping us all safe.
We hold each other tighter, all of us knowing that this could have gone very differently.
I look out over the water, my heart aching again as I worry about my sister. About how dangerous this is. How it would only take a second for it to all be over. I stare at the horizon, as if willing her boat to appear, for her to be okay. Hoping that she can hold on long enough for us to save her.
When we are far enough from land, the helicopter slows to a hover. I look up, finding Colton standing in the open doorway, holding onto the rail above him so he can lean out to see us. His tourist shirt is completely unbuttoned, blowing in the breeze and showing off all his muscles as he smirks down at us, his pants hanging a little too low, like they always do.
I smile at the sight of him, relieved that he’s safe too.
I stare between the man who can handle a helicopter, the man whose reckless driving saved us back there and the man who can handle a motorcycle like a stunt driver. How did I wind up surrounded by so many incredible, capable men? Men who truly care about and would do anything for me?
How did I wind up falling in love with all of them?
Because I have no doubt that I’m in love with Colton too. I know that now. And I know he has feelings for me, but I still don’t know what’s going to happen when all of this is over and we go back home. Will he fit in with the life I already have with Sebastian and Luke? Will they want him to? Willhewant to?
I let out a breath. Whatever happens, I intend to keep my promise to him. He can have my heart for as long as he wants it.
I never thought I would be the type who would commit themselves to another person. But after finding Luke and Sebastian, a lifetime doesn’t seem like long enough to spend in their arms. And I’ve been slowly starting to feel that way with Colton too. Like there’s never enough time spent with him. I love Sebastian and Luke even more for allowing me to be with him, for letting him share our bed. I know they didn’t sign up for that.