Page 134 of The Heart

Then I look over at Ryan. “When was this footage taken?”

“Last night.” I look at my watch. It’s still early, and we’re the only ones awake in the house.

“Get me a list of every single dock on this island that doesn’t have a fucking diamond painted on the side of it. It sounds like Kathryn Hart is on a boat.”

“On it,” Ryan says. I shove up from the table, shooting a text to Ava. By the time I’m passing the bottom of the stairs, she’s already taking them two at a time, wearing a pair of shorts and an oversized T-shirt sporting the picture of a superhero I don’t recognize on the front of it.

“We have a lead. Ry can explain.” She nods, heading toward the den while I continue on down the hall.

I throw open the master bedroom door, closing it behind me as I flick on the light. Then I go to the window, quickly drawing the curtains open too. The action is met with three sets of complaints, since Colton moved himself in here permanently.

I take a moment to admire the sight of Leena’s naked ass and back sprawled on the bed between the two men. That fucking adorable little heart decorating the part of her shoulder I like to kiss.

I can’t wait until it’s finished healing so I can kiss her there again.

Luke is already sitting up, rubbing his eyes and looking at me, whereas Leena has buried her face into Colton’s bare side and he’s pulled a pillow over his face, groaning his aversion to daylight.

“What is it?” Luke asks as I head straight for the large walk-in closet. Before I step inside, I turn to face him.

“Kat’s on a boat. Who’s up for a road trip to the marina?” I smile, feeling excited to finally havesomething.

The three of them stare up at me in shock: Luke from where he’s already standing, Colton out from under his pillow and Leena is suddenly sitting up with a hand over her mouth. I can see the relief in her eyes.

I fill them in as we all get dressed together and Leena helps change the bandage on Colton’s hip.

Within a few minutes, we’re all hovering over Ryan and Ava.

“What are we looking at?” Luke demands.

“There are only four marinas on the northern coast that aren’t owned by the Queen of Diamonds. So unless this guy has a death wish, he’ll be pulling into port at one of those,” Ryan explains.

“We were able to hack into two of the marina’s security systems no problem, so we can watch for anyone who disembarks on this monitor here.” Ava points to the camera feed showing people milling about everywhere.

“What about the two marinas?” I ask.

“I can’t seem to find their systems at all. Which could mean they’re really great at security, which I doubt, or it’s so old they’re still using a closed circuit. Either way, I wouldn’t bet on us getting a visual on them anytime soon,” Ryan adds.

I take a breath. “Alright. Two locations, we can do that. Hart, you’re with me on the eastern marina. Fisher, Campbell, you’re on the west. We need to figure out if anyone has docked already this morning. If they haven’t, we’re going to stake it out. If it’s really an emergency, I imagine it won’t take long. Send Chen and Jones the tags of any boat coming into port, they can search the registered owners for Deck affiliation. If you see anything, report back, but don’t engage until we know what we’re dealing with. Got it?”

“Got it,” Luke says.

I nod to him, then the rest of them. “Alright, let’s load up.”

“I look ridiculous,” Leena says as we walk toward the marina.

“You look like a tourist, darling.” I chuckle, studying the woman in the blonde wig, “I Love Jamaica”sundress, sunglasses and giant hat that she and Colton found at a gift shop while Luke and I were picking up our second rental vehicle.

I’ll admit, the hair is a little ridiculous, but I don’t hate the dress. Though I’m more than a little pissed off that Colton is the one who helped her into it.

And I know for a fact he helped her into it, because that hickey just below her collar bone in plain fucking sight wasn’t there when we dropped the two of them off.

Fucking bastard.

I frown, looking down and fussing at the hideous floral patterned button-up shirt they found for me.

I’m definitely burning it when we get back to the house.