Page 130 of The Heart

“Leena, I’m going to be fine. Really. I’m just joining the mob, people do it everyday. Especially right now when they need the numbers,” he tries to reassure me.

It doesn’t work.

“Do you remember your backstory?” I ask, even though we’ve been over it.A lot.

He lets out a breath.

“I’m pissed off at the other Cards and I got the tattoo to prove my loyalty since I obviously can’t swap sides with it on me. I know my new name, where I grew up, my motivations, we’ve gone through all of it a dozen times. I got this.”

“What if they find out who you are?” I worry at my lip.

“They won’t. Even if they run my prints, it will take them straight to the paper trail Ryan left for me. I’m sure they’ll be up my ass when I first get there, but I’ll get to a computer eventually. Ryan showed me what to do, and I know you guys have my back.” He looks over at me with a soft smile. “And I have this. I’ll check in,” he says, holding up his necklace with the gaudy pendant.

We knew they would probably scan him for any devices that send a signal, so Colton managed to find this little gadget that sends out your location, but only when you hit the button. After days of fussing with it, Jace managed to weld it inside the necklace, leaving a small hole. He’s going to have to find a paperclip or something to reach it, but it works. The pulse takes less than half a second, so even if the Diamonds detect a signal was sent, it’s too short for anyone to track specifically where it originated from. We gave Jace strict instructions to send out at least one pulse in the first three days so we know he’s alright, and can get his location, then every two days after that.

But I still don’t like it. As desperate as I am to save my sister, I don’t want anything to happen to Jace.

“This is it,” Sebastian says from the driver’s seat, pulling up to the curb in an unsavory part of town. The plan is for Jace to wander into a few bars we know are run by the Queen of Diamonds. The tattoo is clearly visible, peeking out from under his tank top. As soon as someone sees it and realizes they don’t recognize him, chances are they will take him straight back to one of their headquarters for questioning. The Cards need all the numbers they can get, so they can’t afford to deny new recruits without a good reason. We just won’t know which headquarters they’ll take him to until he checks in.

That’s the part I don’t like.

Sebastian turns in his chair to shake Jace’s hand. Their grip is firm, then Sebastian quirks a smile. “Give ‘em hell, kid,” he says.

“I always do,” Jace replies, then takes Luke’s hand as well before turning his attention on me.

He wraps his arms around me, and I hug him hard. I’m so grateful for the risk he’s willing to take for my family, and so scared, all at the same time.

“See ya soon, boss.” Our eyes meet, and he smiles at me for a long moment.

When Jace gets out of the car, he and Colton share a best friend man-hug that I can’t fucking watch.

We all know how dangerous this is.

When Sebastian finally pulls away from the curb, I look back. Jace is just standing there, watching as we leave. I feel like I’m in one of those horrible movies where the kids are looking out the back window at the puppy they are forced to leave behind.

“Oh, baby girl. Come here,” Luke says, unhooking my belt and pulling me into his lap as my tears fall.

“I’m sorry.” I try wiping them away.

“Don’t be sorry,” he whispers. “Never be sorry for caring about the people you love. We all love that kid, and we don’t like it either. But he’s tough, he’ll be okay. It’s your sister we’re all worried about, which is exactly why Jace volunteered for this.” He brushes the hair back from my face and we’re all quiet for a long moment.

“Do you think we’ll find her?” I ask him quietly. He takes a deep breath before answering.

“Of course we will.” He pulls me tighter against him and I let myself relax, feeling the comfort of his embrace.

Even though I don’t believe him.



“Guys, I got him!” Ryan shouts through the house. I slam my laptop shut and skid around the corner into the den where we have all the equipment set up. It’s been nearly seventy-two hours since we dropped Jace off, and to say we’ve all been anxious for him to check in is a fucking understatement.

“Where?” I say, leaning over Ryan’s shoulder just as I hear the rest of the team barreling through the house.Jesus,I glare up at the ceiling, then back at the monitor.

“Here. Twenty miles outside of town.” He points to a little red dot on the screen.

“He’s okay?” Leena says as she runs into the room, her big eyes searching Ryan’s for an answer.