“You want a tattoo? And… you want me to draw it?” He smiles softly.
I nod my head. “Around my scar, like yours.”
He looks a little in shock over it, smiling up at me.
Then I look over at the guys. “If… that’s okay?” I ask them, and they both smile.
“You don’t have to ask,” Luke says simply, and there’s so much love in his words.
“Colton’s done a lot of ours,” Sebastian adds with a shrug.
“He has?” I look between them, then back at Colton.
“I have.” He smirks, taking off the gloves.
“Which ones?” I’ve been obsessed with the designs on their skin since I first set eyes on them. They mean so much more now knowing that Colton was the artist.
“I can show you, if you like?” He smiles, and my eyes flit back over to the gloves he just discarded on the nearby table. He notices, then chuckles.How are these men so goddamn observant?
Or maybe I’m just that transparent.
Colton reaches over, his eyes never leaving mine as he slowly pulls on a new pair of gloves. He holds out a hand and I take it, my breath hitching when the texture of it touches my skin. I help him to his feet, and we make our way over to where my men are sitting on the pool table.
Colton stands in front of Sebastian, then reaches out, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling forward until Sebastian is standing.
Then Colton fucking helps him out of his shirt.
Fuck. Me.
Actually, Ineedthem to fuck me. Because watching Colton undressing Sebastian?My god.
Colton turns back to me, taking my hand. It feels so different touching him with the glove as a barrier between us, and somehow that turns me on too. He places my hand flat against the center of Sebastian’s chest, his fingers on the back of mine. The two of them share a look that I don’t understand, and I can feel Sebastian’s heartbeat begin to quicken under my palm.
Colton moves to stand behind me, keeping one hand on the back of mine and sliding his other into my waistband against the bare skin at my hip, pulling my body against the hard length of him already growing beneath the fabric.
He leans down to speak softly, “This is the first tattoo I designed. And the first larger piece I ever did.” I glance back at him in shock. Then I turn back to study the tattoo spanning Sebastian’s entire chest. It’s so intricate, you would never guess this was a first design. It’s stunning. So is the body it’s decorating. I suddenly can’t keep my eyes off Sebastian, studying every muscle, every tattoo.
I wonder which one I will get to touch next.
Colton brings his hand down, dragging mine along with it. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve touched him, I still love the feeling of his skin beneath my fingertips. He continues around to Sebastian’s side, stopping over another one of my favorites.
“This one I did,” he whispers, then moves my hand up just a little to a smaller one. “And this one.”
I can feel Sebastian is breathing heavier now, my light touch causing his skin to pebble. Colton’s gloved hand moves mine back up Sebastian’s abdominal muscles, his chest, then over to one of his biceps. “This one, too.” Colton kisses that tender spot beneath my ear and I quake.
We move around Sebastian’s body until I feel like I’ve probably felt every inch of his torso. I love touching this man, love that Colton is the one making me do it.
When he’s finished, we move over to Luke who’s still sitting on the pool table. I’m a little sad he doesn’t have as many tattoos as Sebastian, which means I don’t get to touch as much of him.
Colton takes my hand, then runs it up Luke’s forearm. Luke turns his arm so the tattoo there is facing up. I let my fingers trace over it. I’ve stared at this tattoo so many times before, but it has so much more meaning now, knowing that Colton put it there.
I marvel at how this man I’ve somehow fallen in love with, is already permanently attached to my men. He has been since before I met them.
“This is one I designed, and I did this one.”
Luke raises his shirt as Colton presses my hand over the one at his ribcage.