“Oh, sweetheart. How much have you had to drink? I can see that pretty little brain of yours working overtime. And I know for a fact, it’s not about the op,” he whispers, placing a hand flat on the pool table behind me and leaning in close.
I stare up at him, his stubbled jaw and deep blue eyes making my heart jump a little.
“Not that much, I just…” My eyes wander down to his lips.FuckI’m horny. And I’ve barely had one drink. Maybe it’s just exhaustion, or the quickie the three of us snuck in the shower when we first got here. Or the fact that this thing with Colton is just so new and I’m eager to explore it.
“You justwhat?”Sebastian leans in closer, his lips nearly brushing mine. And thank fuck the sound of the tattoo gun breaks us out of this moment before I get the chance to beg Sebastian to fuck me right here on this pool table.
Sebastian moves to sit beside me and I lean into him, watching with fascination as the muscles in Colton’s forearm flex from the control and pressure he’s putting on the needle as it runs against Jace’s skin. Luke is standing over them, chatting as he watches.
I don’t have any tattoos, and I’m realizing now that I’ve never even seen this done before; at least, not in person. I stare, watching as what looks like blackish blood rolls down Jace’s skin before Colton wipes it away and keeps on going.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” I ask, fascinated.
All four men glance over at me quizzically, looks of amusement on their faces. It’s at this moment I realize how many tattoos I’m surrounded by right now.
So many. So, so many.I swoon internally.
“She’s right,” Jace says, turning to smirk at Colton. “You could do that a little harder, boss.” He raises an eyebrow.
Colton backs away, holding up the tattoo gun in his gloved hand, and glares at the man in front of him. He’s clearly unamused by this request. Beside me, Sebastian puts his face in his hands. “Fucking masochist,” he grumbles under his breath.
“Lu?” Colton gestures toward Jace, his hands still raised so as not to get them dirty.
Luke slaps Jace on the back of the head, and the man lets out a surprised yelp. “Okay, okay, I’m good.” He holds his hands up in surrender, then turns back around, settling his arms on the back of the chair he’s straddling.
Colton shakes his head and leans in, getting back to work.
I stare.
Luke comes to sit beside me, sharing glances I don’t understand the meaning of with Sebastian.
“Do I want to know what the fuck that was?” I say so only they can hear.
It’s Luke who answers. “Let’s just say you don’t need to worry about him. The kid is tougher than you think.”
Ava and Ryan wandered upstairs to bed nearly an hour ago. I watch as Colton finally finishes up the tattoo. Jace stands in front of the mirror, admiring it. It’s really beautiful. It kind of makes me sad that Colton will have to cover it up when we go home.
“Thanks, man,” Jace says, slapping a hand into Colton’s gloved one.
“You’re welcome.” Colton smiles.
“Night, guys!” Jace waves at us as he leaves the room. I wave back, watching him go.
I’m still worried about tomorrow.
Luke must notice, because he pulls me against his side, kissing the top of my head. I breathe in the scent of him, loving the way it feels to be wrapped under his arms. I place a hand on his chest, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt. I think about all of his, Sebastian’s and Colton’s tattoos. How much I like them. I wonder why I’ve never gotten one. I suppose I was always too busy, and didn’t want to spend the money on it. There’s also never been anything important enough to me that I would want it on my body forever.
Then I think about how Colton’s are weaved around his scars. Taking this horrible thing that happened to him and turning it into something beautiful. I think about my own scar…
I slide off the table and wander over to Colton, placing a hand on his shoulder. He stops what he’s doing and his piercing green eyes look up at me.
“Would you draw one for me?” I ask him.