Page 114 of The Heart

“What are you doing?” Colton breathes out, watching her in disbelief.

“Cleaning you up,” she says simply, meeting his eyes while she open-mouth kisses the cum off his abs, her tongue languidly moving over his skin, not missing a single drop.

His eyes darken as he watches her, then they flick to us, as if he can’t believe she’s doing this right now. We both shrug, becausewe know,and we let him enjoy it.

When she moves to clean up his dick, he pulls a pillow over his entire face to cover his moans.

And I realize Sebastian was right.

This is fun.



Ifucking hate fifteen hour plane rides. Even more than I hate road trips, which is a lot.

There were other humans on board so there was no singing, but the chattering never stopped.

Not. For. One.



I thought I would getsomepeace in a window seat, but I should have taken my own fucking plane.

Between Leena and Luke sitting next to me, Colton and Jace in the row behind and Ava and Ryan in front of us, I’m surrounded by the most idiotic conversations known to man. They talk about which celebrities they would “smash,”which was a new fucking term to me. Then they go through ridiculous survival scenarios, such as how you would go about escaping a herd of gerbils if you were stuck on an island and only brought with you a single bag of marshmallows. Turns out, gerbils don’t like marshmallows.

How do I know this useless fucking information?

Because they goddamn googled it, usingmycredit card to pay for onboard Wi-Fi.

I step out of the airport into the humid air, breathing in the smell of my freedom.

Maybe I’ll swim home.

“Aw, cheer up Seb!” Colton slaps my back and I scowl at him as he hobbles past me, using the luggage cart for support since he’s too damn stubborn to use a crutch. I don’t understand how someone who got shot less than forty-eight hours ago is still so fucking chipper.

I guess Leena has a way of doing that.

The thought makes me happy for a moment, but then I stop to glare again, this time at one of Colton’s bags. If he thinks he’s going to use the things he has in there on Leena before I get the chance to, he has another fucking thing coming.

And he better fucking share since he left mine and Luke’s go-bag to get shot up during their bolt from the penthouse.

As we wait at the curb, I mindlessly fidget with the little strip of paper I keep in my pocket, thinking of the phone calls Luke had to make, explaining to the cops and the cleaning crew we hired how a duffle bag full of police-grade restraints and BDSM equipment wound up strewn across the terrace.

I smile at the memory.

It was fucking hilarious.

When Luke pulls up to the curb in our rented SUV, I shove the note back into my pocket, then follow after the team as they load up and pile inside.

We were able to find a villa to rent for the next several weeks. It’s not far from the airport, but inland enough to be away from tourists. The last thing we need is for someone in the Deck to recognize one of the three of us wandering around town. All the Cards have hideaways on this island, which means they have eyes on every hotel. So a privately owned villa where we could vet the owner and set up our own security system for the duration of our stay seemed like the best option.

And Colton called in a favor with a friend and got us a helicopter on standby. It’s at a private airport on the coast in case we wind up needing it.

After a trip to the store to stock up on food, tequila and coffee for Leena and Colton, I punch in the code at the security gate and drive up to the villa.