When Sebastian finally lets up on my mouth long enough for me to get some goddamn air, his lips moving down to my neck, I manage to look over. And what do I find? Colton and Leena sitting side by side, each with a glass of wine as they watch.
I fucking knew it. I knew Colton would be fine with this, withus.I didn’t think he’d be so turned on by it if the obvious strain of his jeans is any indication, but at least he’s taking it well.
I nudge Sebastian with my knee to get his attention, since he still has my hands pinned above my head.
Dominant bastard.
“What,” he moves back up to whisper against my lips, seemingly forgetting that we are in a room with other humans. I tip my head toward our onlookers, and feel his body go tense when he remembers.
I wonder for a moment if he really meant to out us tonight, or if the note caught him off guard and he’ll regret this in an hour.
He looks over, clearly afraid of what he’ll find. I watch Colton hold his glass up in salute before taking a long swig. Leena looks at Sebastian, her smile indicating how proud she is of him. And I’m proud of him too. Even though we’re not exactly in public, this is a huge step. And if I had to sit by him for one more second and not kiss him tonight, I was going to lose my fucking mind.
I watch as Colton gives us a “carry on” sort of gesture and chuckle.
“Fucking voyeuristic bastard,” Sebastian mumbles, but I feel him let out a breath, feel his body relax with relief. When he does, my attention is quickly drawn to where his rock hard dick presses against my own through our sweatpants. He smiles down at me, shifting a little, letting me know that he’s aware of that not so little fact as well.
I consider the way he’s looking at me right now.Does he love me too?
He leans down and kisses me again, slowly this time, before pulling away. “You don’t get to watch us fuck, Colton,” Sebastian calls over to our friend, but his attention is still on me.
“But what if I asked really, really nicely?” he snarks back.
“No,” Sebastian states and I shake my head.
“Alright. Then me, my dick and I, are going to bed,” Colton says.
We both look over, then chuckle as we watch our friend try to stand.
Sebastian eventually has to roll off of me so he can lie out on the floor and laugh harder.
Leena’s confusion is what has me dying, so does the pained look on Colton’s face, but the man finally gets to his feet.
“What’s the matter, Colt? Did you spend all your money on gas for your helicopter and forget to buy underwear again?” I tease him, because it’s fucking hilarious. Then I really start to lose it when Leena’s eyes go wide over her wine glass, how they dart toward Colton’s pants in sudden understanding.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I wasn’t expecting a fucking show this evening. Even though I didn’t even get that. And I bet Luke takes it like a champ, too,” he says and I quirk an eyebrow, finding it amusing how he assumes I bottom.
“Colt, you tell anyone about this and I’ll kick your ass,” Sebastian yells toward him as he re-adjusts his jeans before heading down the hall.
“Stay away from my ass, Seb. It would just be awkward now that I know you’re into that,” he calls back.
“Colton” Sebastian growls out a warning.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. I’ll even prove it by exacting some revenge right now if you like.” He turns his mischievous gaze to me, then sniffs at his shirt.
“Oh.Fuckno! Don’t you fucking dare come on my shirt, Fisher!” I say jumping to my feet and booking it down the hall after the asshole. I groan, because it’s not particularly fun to sprint with a boner.
He sees me coming, panics, and takes off toward the guest room.
God,who are we kidding?
That’s his room now.
Colton ducks into his room and tries to close the door, but I’m right there with him, jamming my shoulder against it and slamming it into him. We both grunt from the force of it, and I’m sure I’ll have a bruise from that later.
I finally manage my way into the room and get a hold ofmyshirt.