Page 22 of The Heart

Sebastian’s eyes move down to Luke’s lips, then all of a sudden, he’s gripping Luke’s dress shirt right at the collar, shoving him backward and slamming him into the door. Sebastian steps closer, pinning Luke’s body completely against it. His hands move up to grasp Luke’s face, then crashes his mouth on his. Luke groans, deepening the kiss.

It’s the hottest fucking thing in the world.

I watch their desperate lips and tongues move against one another’s, breathing ragged, their bodies moving with the kiss.

The two of them barely register my presence as I tap the key to the lock and open the door. They stumble inside when it’s no longer holding them up, but their lips never leave each other’s. Luke’s hands grasp Sebastian’s face as they continue this absolutely beautiful display of torture while I close and lock the door.

When I turn back to them, their kiss has slowed.

I was wrong before,thiskiss is torture. Their eyes are closed as they taste each other slowly. I’m absolutely aching for them, and this is when I remember…my punishment.

I know it’s coming, know that I won’t be getting out of it a second time.What do they have planned?

I suddenly don’t want to know, because it’s late and I’m tired.

So I gently set my shoes by the door and hang up Luke’s jacket. Then I quietly squeeze past the two men making out in the entryway, discreetly making my way toward the bedroom. If I can just make it to the bed and pretend to be asleep, maybe they won’t want to wake me. Then I can put off whatever it is until after the drive home tomorrow.

They do seem a little preoccupied at the moment, so this just might work.

My steps stall when Sebastian’s voice growls out behind me, “Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?”



Sebastian’s words stop Leena dead in her tracks. I keep my body pressed against the hard lines of his as I glance back at her, quirking a smile at our woman and her little escape attempt.

As if we don’t know where she is at every second.

“I was just… getting ready for bed?” she says, but it’s more of a question.

“Oh really?” I challenge, unable to keep my eyes from trailing over her.Fuck,she’s beautiful. My cock throbs in my pants, the hard-on I’ve been holding back all night finally getting to make its appearance.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Sebastian asks, his strong arms still wrapped tightly around me, his voice breathless from our kiss.

“No?” she squeaks out. It’s so goddamn adorable.

“Well look at that, Lu. Our little troublemaker seems to have forgotten that she got out of her punishment earlier.”

“I think we better remind her then,” I say, loving the feel of the man against me and enjoying how Leena’s breathing picks up. I already knew she was gorgeous, but her in that dress? It does something to me.Shedoes something to me.

She always does.

And it’s cute how she thought we would forget about her. No matter how much Sebastian and I get caught up in each other, which is happening quite frequently lately, we can never forget about her.

She’s everything to us.

And we definitely never forget when there is a punishment due, which has also been happening quite frequently lately. Our girl has been making a habit of misbehaving. I know she’s doing it on purpose, and I am completely okay with it. If our woman wants to play, then this is a game we will never get tired of winning.

Sebastian has always had an affinity for punishments and so have I. When we first met Leena, I think we both assumed our days of kinky sex were over. We just got so hung up on this woman, we decided she was worth it. She means so much more than a one-night stand or the submissives we had between us. It didn’t matter that she had no idea who we were for the entire year and a half her father paid us to tail her and keep her safe. Her presence knocked us off kilter from the moment we saw her in that coffee shop.

When Leena walked into the picture, everything changed.

And I’m so fucking glad it did.

I’m not sure how we all thought it would turn out when we found ourselves stuck with her in that safehouse. Maybe that we would have a fun time, and then we would go our separate ways. Possibly that Leena would be gone and Sebastian and I would go back to doing… whatever it was we had been doing. Or, that Leena would only choose one of us, and the other would have to pretend that it was okay for the sake of our friendship. But never did we imagine that she would choose both of us, or that she would bring us together.

Having her in our bed every single night and finding out that she’s into the sort of things we are is more than we hoped for.