Luke hangs his coat on a nearby rack, then glances at Sebastian’s, staring at it like he wants to hang it up as well. I save him from whatever mental battle he’s going through by grabbing the jacket myself and hanging it up beside his. He gives me a grateful smile before stealing a chair from a nearby table and pulling it over as I slide into the booth.
Even though everyone on our team aside from Ava knows I’m with both men, no one knows that Sebastian and Luke are also together. I know Sebastian has his reasons why he’s not ready or doesn’t want to tell them, so I haven’t pushed him on it. We’ve talked about it, and I’ve simply let him know that I’m here for him, and I will support him and Luke in whatever decisions they make.
“So what the fuck? You guys have never given him alcohol before?” Ava asks, jabbing a thumb toward Ryan who currently has the straw from his water in his mouth and he’s using it to swirl the ice cubes around in his glass, making some sort of noise that vaguely resembles a blender.
“I honestly don’t think we have. He usually finds an excuse to skip out on Bar Night.” I chuckle, finding the state of him absolutely hilarious. I also feel a little bad for the headache he’s going to have in the morning.
“I can see why.” Ava chuckles and Ryan glares at her from behind his glasses, swaying a little in his seat.
“They’re bringing the fries,” Sebastian says, setting two beers down on the table for him and Luke, and a tequila sunrise with extra cherries in front of me before sliding into the booth next to me.
Luke is casually leaning back in his chair, his legs outstretched, ankles crossed, watching Colton with amusement as the man drags over another chair, letting it screech across the entire floor, before sitting backward in it next to him.
“Don’t let the fancy drink fool ya,” Luke says, seeing Ava’s reaction to my fruity beverage.
“The woman can drink,” Sebastian finishes for him, leaning back and draping his arm around me as he takes a sip.
“As can I,” Ava says, holding up her beer. I match her smile, then hold my drink up to cheers.
“Can ya now?” Colton asks, eyeing between the two of us just as a waitress comes over and sets a heaping pile of fries right in front of Ryan. “Miss? A round of Patrón please?”
“So there was Seb, a hundred feet up in a fucking water tower, with like fifty guys down below shooting up at him,” Jace says, his hands waving around in a flourish across the table from me.
“It wasnotfifty.” Sebastian chuckles, shaking his head and taking another shot of tequila. Jace ignores him, continuing his story while Ava watches him intently, her big eyes wide.
“He’s completely surrounded, all he has is his rifle, which he uses to take out just about half the guys below him with accurate precision. But the weapon is almost empty, so is his pistol. And he doesn’t have an extra magazine… thenbam!”Jace slaps the table.
Ava squeals and the glasses clatter.
We all burst out laughing at her reaction, because of how incredibly out of character it is for her. I don’t even know how many shots she’s taken tonight, but if she’s feeling anything like I am, then she’s feeling pretty good. This story is damn entertaining when Jace has had a few drinks and is the one telling it. No matter that I was there and it was one of the most terrifying, horrific moments of my life, I can smile when I remember my men saved me. How we’re all here now, together.
“What happened?” Ava asks, eyes wide.
“There was anexplosion,far from the tower, as one of the Jack’s cars blew to smithereens from the charges Sebastian and Luke set earlier. Which gave Sebastian the distraction he needed to start making his way down from the tower. But then something happened that the guys hadn’t prepared for,” Jace says, leaning in close as Ava does the same.
My eyes flicker over to Luke. He’s holding his empty shot glass a little too tight, looking down into it with a blank stare.
It breaks my fucking heart.
I know this next part is hard for him to hear. Know how many times he’s woken in the middle of the night beside me from the memories of it. From the pain and fear of the time he thought he had lost Sebastian forever. I think of all the times those nightmares have us trading places in bed so that Luke can sleep between us, falling back asleep in Sebastian’s arms.
“What? They weren’t prepared for what?!” Ava urges Jace to continue.
“Nothing, we were all fine. Time for a new story, Jace,” Sebastian says, just as aware of Luke as I am right now.
“It’s fine. I’ll get another round,” Luke says, setting down his glass and quickly heading toward the bar, I stare after him, then make eye contact with Sebastian. We share a glance of mutual understanding and his hand finds mine under the table, our fingers locking together as he squeezes tight. Colton notices our exchange, giving us a questioning glance. Then his eyes trail over, studying Luke.
“Boom!”Jace slaps the table, and Ava gasps again. Even Ryan, who’s been asleep on the bench seat next to me up until this point, starts to stir. “An RPG hits the tower, causing an explosion so large, and so hot, that the force of it causes Sebastian to fly off the ladder, slamming him into the ground and riddling him with shrapnel. He’s limping, but he gets to his feet, sneaking up behind the remaining men. In a firefight that lasts no longer than a minute, all of the Jacks outside aredead.” Jace slams his glass down, making everyone jump.
“Oh my god!” Ava exclaims, looking at Sebastian open-mouthed. Then her eyes find mine. “And you were there too?”
“Yes, they kidnapped me, had me tied up inside. The blast didn’t hit me, but I heard it. It shook the windows, I could feel it in my chest,” I explain, remembering the fear in that moment, and the hope. Fear that my men were hurt, and the hope that they had come for me… that they would get me out.
And they did.