Page 128 of The Heart

It’s all of them.

I’m not falling for the guys or anything, at least, I don’t think I am, but I might have fallen in love with what they have together. This life they’ve made with each other.

But then I think, if Leena is the only part of it I can have, is it worth the heartbreak of not having it all?

I watch her crumple in laughter when Luke tickles her stomach, how she squeals when Sebastian throws her over his shoulder and starts heading toward the stairs, butt-ass naked.

“Wait! I need a shirt! Is your dick still out? Seb!” she calls out, laughing, her long black hair swaying as she puts her elbows on his back. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles wide, shaking her head at the situation.

I smile back.

Yeah. She’s fucking worth it.

“Jace, you look ridiculous,” I say when the kid comes downstairs the next morning.

“It’s great, right?” He spins in a circle.

“It looks like you just crawled out of Walmart and they didn’t carry your size.” I snicker, shaking my head at the oversized white tank and khaki shorts, then moving my rook to take out Leena’s bishop. I smile at her over my coffee cup.

“Shit.” She sets hers down, glaring at the board.

“It’s great, Jace. They’ll never guess how much money we gave you for your shopping spree. Now give me my change.” Sebastian walks over, holding out his hand. Jace begrudgingly pulls out a wadded up pile of bills from his pocket and drops them in his hand.

Leena moves her queen into position to take out my knight.Clever.I glance up at her.

She smirks at me, but she missed one small detail here.

“Smells great, guys!” Jace says with an over exaggerated stride as he makes his way over to where Ryan and Ava have breakfast duty. God,he looks fucking ridiculous. He’s got to know if he walks in there like that today they might just shoot his annoying ass on sight.

I would.

“It’s almost done, come make your plates!” Ava calls.

I move my own queen to take out Leena’s, then stand.

“Checkmate.” I smirk, offering out a hand to help her up. She glares at the board before taking it with a little huff. I chuckle.

I love it when I win.

Several minutes later, we find our seats next to Luke at the large dining room table. Everyone else is across from us, already chattering away, and Sebastian is still in the kitchen piling food on his plate.

“Shit, I forgot my drink. Hey Seb?” Luke calls out.

“I got it,” Sebastian mumbles, already heading toward the table carrying both of their drinks in one hand. He sets them down, followed by his plate, and then he leans down, casually planting a kiss square on Luke’s mouth before taking his seat and starting in on his food like he didn’t just fucking do that.

Luke stares at him wide-eyed. So does everyone else.

The room is silent aside from Sebastian’s fork against his plate.

Leena puts a hand on my knee and I hold it beneath the table as we watch whatever the fuck is about to play out.

Did he mean to do that?Or did he forget the tiny fact that the team has no clue that they’re fucking.

Sebastian finally looks up. “What?” he asks through a mouthful of food.

“What do you mean,‘What?’That’s kind of a big fucking deal, Seb,” Jace says. I look between all of them, noticing their reactions. Ava looks a little in shock, Ryan doesn’t.Huh.