Page 26 of The Coffee Shop

As soon as Leena leaves the bathroom, I find myself studying the texture on the wall behind the toilet, finding it fascinating.

I know what she’s referring to. I know how Sebastian and I act around each other. It’s…seamless. I don’t have another word for it. It’s the reason we haven’t even tried to settle down with separate partners. We just haven’t wanted to give up how easy things are between us.

But I’ve never even thought of beingtogether. Not once. Because I’m not into guys, not unless there’s a woman between us. But this isn’t someguy.

This is Sebastian.

He’s been my ride or die since we were teenagers.

I look over at my friend. His large hands are pressed flat against the counter on either side of the sink, every muscle in his thick arms tense.

When our eyes meet, we study each other.

We study each other for a long time.

“We should…” I say slowly, tipping my head towards where Leena ran off to.

“Yeah,” Sebastian says gruffly, clearing his throat ashe turns, breaking whatever thefuckthat just was.

He flips me off as he leaves the room, and I chuckle, shaking my head as I watch his bare ass round the corner into the hall.

“UghI can’t. I’m done. Just save yourselves from babysitting duty and kill me now,” Leena whines, her arms faltering as she drops to her stomach, burying her face into the grass.

“No one said you had to join us, sweet thing,” Sebastian breathes out through another pushup.

“And we aren’t your babysitters, we’re your bodyguards. You can leave anytime,” I chuckle.

“And go where? You’d follow me. And I’d probably just get shot.Again,” she whines, her voice muffled by the grass.

We’re in the pasture behind the house, and Leena has taken it upon herself to join in our morning workout. Well, I suppose it’s more like an afternoon workout at this point, since we stayed up until dawn then slept till noon. But I don’t regret any of it. Not even the headache that is still throbbing. And I have to hand it to Leena, she has been managing to accomplish several reps each set before collapsing to the ground. But this last breakdown has been my favorite.

“You’re probably right, you should stay right there. It’s much safer,” Sebastian croons, a wide smile spreading across his face as he tilts his head to appreciate the view. Leena is still wearing his T-shirt and it’s currently riding up her thighs. Another inch and the view would be even better. Her tiny figure is so lost in the fabric that I wonder what she’s wearing under there.

Sebastian and I both continue our push-ups, trying to outdo one another, enjoying the sight of the girl sprawled out between us.

“We should go for a run. I like running,” Leena says as she manages to get to her feet.

“We know!” Sebastian and I both say and I laugh so hard I fall to my stomach, shaking my head. This girl is just too much.

“What?” Leena asks.

“Last night’s little stunt?” Sebastian says pointedly.

“Right.” Then I see a hint of a smile, how her already flushed cheeks turn a little brighter, and I realize that her thoughts have drifted to what came after her nighttime sprint.

“So,” I say slowly, standing and striding towards her. “You want to go for a run?”

“Yes,” she replies nervously, taking a few steps back as Sebastian and I start closing in on her.

“We can take you for a run, can’t we Lu?” Sebastian asks.

“Indeed we can,” I smile as her eyes go wide with mock concern.

I step quickly towards her and she squeaks out a little scream, then turns to run, but Sebastian is already there, hauling her up over his shoulder and spinning in a circle with a laugh before slapping her bare ass and taking off running through the field.

Then I take a moment to appreciate how that maneuver answered my question.