Page 25 of The Coffee Shop

It’s all too much.Somuch.

But I’m still smiling.

I know this is no way to behave, especially with the men who have been hired to protect me and this has to breach some sort of professional protocol. But they were a part of what just happened, same as me. And there is absolutely no denying they enjoyed it too, which makes me grin the whole time I’m brushing my teeth and working through the tangles in my hair. I don’t have any makeup, there wasn’t time to grab any when we were running for our lives, but thank god for permanent eyelashes.

Once I decide that this is as good as it’s going to get, I take one last look in the mirror and smile again. I just keep doing that. I can’t help it. These men…god. They have megiddy.

I take a deep breath, then head out of the bathroom, wondering what this day will bring.

I’m dancing around the kitchen to no music, because I don’t have my fucking phone, wearing only Sebastian’s T-shirt which I found on the bathroom floor earlier. It’s huge on me, but I have exactly one outfit of my own here, and it’s what I always wear to work so they have a permanent odor of coffee and flavored syrups. I’m not exactly eager to put those back on. That and… these men just smell amazing, so do their clothes, so I’m not complaining.

Once breakfast is ready, I make my way down the hallway to find the guys. The bathroom door is open and I stop for a moment, taking in the sight of them, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing.

Sebastian is stark naked, his tight muscular ass and thick thighs on full display as he pees into the toilet. To his right, Luke is standing shirtless in front of the sink, his gray sweatpants riding low on his hips. The hard muscles in his back ripple with every movement and I bite my lip in appreciation.

I watch as Luke carefully squeezes out toothpaste onto a toothbrush, runs it under the water, then hands it over to Sebatian who takes it without looking and immediately starts brushing his teeth. Luke spreads toothpaste onto another toothbrush and starts brushing as Sebastian gives a little grunt, shaking himself clean, then steps over to the sink. Luke steps back so he can take his place, then moves over to the toilet, the toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and lets out a sigh as he starts peeing. Sebastian makes some sort of hacking noise before spitting into the sink.

I gape at them.

Seeing these men in their natural habitat is… well it’s fuckingbizarre. But it’s also… kinda hot. I can’t stop staring. It feels strange watching theseGreek godsdoing something so… domestic.

Sebastian brushes his short brown hair until it’s to his satisfaction, then hands the brush to Luke. He takes it without looking and runs it through his wet hair, the toothbrush still hanging from his mouth as he stands over the toilet.

It’s like adance. A perfectly orchestrateddance. One that they have practiced a million times and have long since perfected.

Oh,I think. The sudden realization hits me and I’m not sure how I didn’t see it sooner. How they move, how they act around each other, it’stoocoordinated, toonatural. Theyhavedone this before. Lots of times.

“Are you guys together?” I ask and their eyes immediately find mine in the mirror, confused and obviously unaware of my presence until now.

“What?” Luke removes the toothbrush to ask.

“Are you guystogether?” I ask again, gesturing towards what I just witnessed.

It’s not that I care either way. I told them I don’t do relationships, so whatever they have, I’m not part of it. This is just sex. We are just enjoying the time we have while we’re stuck here. But I do think I have the right to know if I’m a plaything in their relationship.

“Like, a couple?” Sebastian asks incredulously, looking over at Luke. They give each other an amused grin.

“Yes, like a couple,” I confirm. They can make jokes all they like, but there’s no denying what I saw.

“No, we’re not acouple. We’re just roommates,” Luke says, as if that clears up everything.

“Roommates. Right,” I say slowly, narrowing my eyes as I look between them. I’ve had roommates before, several in fact. But never have I acted around them the way these two men move around each other.

I’m suddenly jealous.

To have someone who you can just feel what they are about to do before they do it, to be comfortable enough that you move around as if you are one person?

As if you are a part of each other.

I furrow my eyebrows when I realize that what is so obvious to me, they clearly haven’t figured out yet. And it’s certainly not my place to tell them.

So I just smile and say, “breakfast’s ready!”

Chapter Twelve