Page 20 of The Coffee Shop

I giggle at first, then grow silent when I feel what he just pulled me up against. He leans in to kiss my neck and my head automatically tips back, my fingers finding his hair to pull him closer.

I vaguely wonder when I became so comfortable with this man, but quickly realize that I don’t care. I let out a satisfied hum as he slowly thrusts up against my belly and pulls our bodies closer.

“Shhh,don’t wake our sleeping beauty over there, he’s a little crabby in the morning,” he says, continuing his trail of kisses down my neck.

“He’s always crabby,” I whisper, giggling softly again as I glance over at Sebastian. But he doesn’t look like his grouchy self right now. He looks… soft and fucking hot as hell.

I bet if I kissed him, he would wake up,I think, smiling at the thought.

Then I realize that I haven’t kissed Sebastian. I haven’t kissed Luke either, not on the mouth. And as much as I want to, I need to keep my distance. Because this isjustsex. When I kiss a man, I have a tendency of getting too attached.

And I amwaytoo attached to these men already.

I let my fingers trail over Luke’s bicep, feeling every hard line and enjoying this quiet moment between us, happy that after what happened last night, this isn’t at all awkward. I have absolutely no regrets and…it was the best night of my life,I realize.

Suddenly, I feel an even larger hand wrap around my waist, pulling me backwards a few inches until I feel Sebastian’s equally impressive length pressed up against my back.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Sebastian whispers in my ear before letting his kisses trail over my shoulder.

“Good morning,” I reply, happily. I look at Luke and notice how closely he is watching Sebastian’s movements. How much he’s enjoying them.

They weren’t kidding, they really don’t mind sharing. Not at all.

That revelation brings on a new type of confidence and I reach back to pull Sebastian closer, then press myass against his erection, moving against it, all the while keeping my eyes on Luke. His gaze darkens as he watches and we are lost in each other’s eyes for a long lustful moment before he snaps out of it.

“Okay,” Luke says, shaking his head to clear it, “time for the talk,” he says.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Sebastian mumbles into my shoulder before kissing it once more and sitting up.

“You want totalk?” I groan out my protest and both men laugh.Assholes.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’ll make this quick,” Sebastian says, eyeing where I am holding the bedsheet just high enough to cover my breasts.

“Now, we know you’ve had…overnight guests,”Luke says, looking almost angry about it, “so can we assume you’re not a virgin?”

“Not a virgin,” I chuckle and both men smile. They know I’m into this. Intothem.

“We’re going to ask a lot of questions so we know what you’re comfortable with, what you’re not. If you don’t want to do this, you can tell us any time.” Luke says and he is so sincere that it makes me believe that they would be more than willing to force theirobviousinterest into a pair of pants and leave me alone, just like that.

But that’s not what I want.

Not at all.

“I want both of you,” I say, breathless. It’s insane, but I fucking mean it. I want both of them.

Their relief is palpable and I blush at the smirks they try to hide.

After a moment, Sebastion finally speaks up, “Lu and I have both had the surgery and we get tested regularly. But if you want to still use condoms, then thatis absolutely fi-”

“You have?” I ask, sitting up and holding the blanket a little closer for this particular conversation.

“Yes, but like Seb said, we can still use condoms,” Luke clarifies, concerned by my reaction.

“No, no. It’s fine. I’ve been tested since my last…overnight guest. And….” I bite my lip, not sure how to say this. “I’ve… had the surgery too,” I say cautiously, looking between the two of them.

They look…interested.Curious, even. Which is a vastly different reaction than I am used to receiving.

“You don’t want kids,” Sebastian says, but it isn’t a question. Which again, isstrange.