Page 31 of The Coffee Shop

Sebastian stands, striding towards us. Those striking dark blue eyes flash as they meet mine again and there’s a wicked smile on his face.

“No, sweetheart. I’m not going to punish you,” he says softly. “I’m going to punishhim,” he says, tipping his head towards Luke as he dangles two sets of police issued handcuffs from his finger.

“Oh, fuck,” Luke spits out, then bolts for the door. He barely makes it past Sebastian before he is yanked backwards by his shirt then slammed to the floor with a grunt. I squeal a little, jumping backwards and then scrambling up onto the oak-faced dresser to avoid being a part of… well, whatever the hellthisis.

Luke manages to squirm out of his T-shirt, but then Sebastian is immediately on top of him, trying to get ahold of his flailing arms. Suddenly, Luke pulls amaneuver that somehow puts him on top. He plants his knee on Sebastian’s chest and has his arms pinned down by his wrists. I watch the tendons rippling in Luke’s arms and bare chest strain with the effort and I can’t help but enjoy the view.

I really shouldn’t be turned on by this. I shouldn’t. It’s incredibly aggressive and no doubt these men that I have grown to care about will both have bruises in the morning, buthell. I am.

I’m so turned on by this that my teeth are probably putting a hole in my bottom lip.

Sebastian finally gets an arm free and shoves Luke backwards so hard that when he slams into the wall, it puts a large dent in the sheetrock, causing one of the framed cross-stitched pictures to fall, glass shattering when it hits the hardwood floor.

The two men grapple, forcing each other to the opposite side of the room. It’s all loud grunting and bulging arms as they thrash, but they don’t hit each other, which is… surprisingly enticing.

Luke throws Sebastian against the other dresser, the one I’m not currently sitting on, and it tips over as he struggles to remain upright. Sebastian, finding his balance, slams into Luke again, then shoves him face-first to the floor, pinning one of his arms behind his back, then the other.

It’s so…violent. I find myself chewing on my lip again while squeezing my legs together, needing some relief after watching this oddly erotic scuffle.

Sebastian jams his knee into Luke’s back, then reaches for the handcuffs. Within a second, I hear a quick snap of metal, then another, and Luke is being hauled to his feet, his hands cuffed behind him.

“Fuck, Seb!” Luke shouts angrily, but when I notice the very obvious evidence of hownotmad about this he is, I can’t help my grin.

Sebastian throws Luke up onto the bed, then uses the second pair of handcuffs to attach him to the wrought iron headboard. He is facing us now, on his knees, both arms pulled tight behind his back. His chest is heaving, every muscle glistening with sweat.

Okay, my lip is definitely bleeding.

“Seb,” Luke growls, but Sebastian just ignores him, striding over to me. All the anger is gone when he looks at me balanced carefully on the dresser. I put my hands on his shoulders as he wraps my legs around his waist. He takes a step back, then slides me down his body to standing without breaking eye contact. Then, in a veryLukegesture, he puts his hand out for me, leading me over to the bed.

After how rough he was with Luke, I expected the same treatment, but he is gentle. More focused than he’s ever been as he slowly removes my clothes, being careful of the new bandage Luke put on me. Then he takes off his own clothes, his eyes never leaving mine.

My eyes wander leisurely down his body andfuck, is he hotter that usual?

“Seb, don’t you dare,” Luke grounds out. I can hear the clicking of metal as the cuffs clatter against the bars of the headboard.

“What? Fuck her in front of you while you’re currently…out of reach?”Sebastian says smoothly, a hint of humor is his voice.

“Ugh!” Luke grunts out, rattling against the cuffs again. I smile.

“Leena, sweetheart, why don’t you help me getour dear Luke out of his pants,” Sebastian says, already reaching over, yanking them open so roughly that I’m sure he’s broken the zipper. I immediately jump to help, because I also need those pants off him, right now.

And then I just stare.

Luke is completely naked and on his knees, his arms tight behind his back in a way that makes his biceps bulge as he strains against the cuffs. My eyes flick down to take in the sight of him, completely exposed and standing proud.

“There, that’s better,” Sebastian says, also pausing to appreciate the sight before promptly turning to ignore his friend.

I stare between them, suddenly understanding. Luke is all tied up, on display like a piece of artwork that I just want to run my tongue over, and I’m not allowed to touch him.

“But,” I whimper.

“Sorry darling, Luke needs to learn a little lesson about respect, and you and I are going to teach him,” he replies.

“But it was my idea, he just went along with it,” I say, not sure if I’m defending him because I’m actually concerned for his safety, or because I just want to touch him.

“Was it now,” Sebastian smirks, surveying me. “Well, it may have beenyouridea, but this bastard decided to blow me a kiss, then he fuckingwinkedat me before putting his dick in that beautiful mouth of yours. And now I have to wash hiscumout of my favorite T-shirt,” he says, glaring over at Luke, who can’t seem to hide his grin at the memory of it.

I stare at Luke, surprised. He just shrugs. I shakemy head, because evenIknow better than to piss off this freight train of a man. I suddenly feel less guilty about Luke’s little predicament.