“Yeah?” I say, writing “cappuccino” on a new cup then making a latte.
“Tasha called in sick again, so I’m going to need you to pull a double today. Oh, but make sure you finish closing duties early, I don’t want to see any more overtime, okay? Thanks!” She says, then disappears before I can answer.
“Excuse me? Are you ignoring me on purpose? I’d like to order now!” The woman with the stroller calls out, apparently having found her wallet.
I ignore her on purpose, then set the latte down in front of the snappy man. He inspects the new label, then removes the lid to take a sip.
“See,that’show you make a cappuccino. Good thing I was here, you learned something new today. Now you know for next time,” he sneers and walks away.
I smile and consider throwing myself off the roof.
It’s been over an hour and Luke and Sebastian arestillsitting at their high top table. Their coffee is long gone and yet they seem like they have nothing better to do than sit there, making not so subtle glances in my direction regularly.
Are they waiting for someone?I wonder, sneaking my own glances at them as frequently as I dare to.They’ve never lingered this long before and their constant presence has left me… off balance. The morning rush is over and, without the constant flow of customers to distract me, I’m trying desperately to keep myself busy.
When I am about to rearrange the flavored syrupsagain, the bell above the door rings and I turn to smile at a gruff looking man as he approaches the counter.
“What can I get for ya today?” I greet him with my joyful and rathercannedscript.
The man gives me a nearly toothless smile, then pulls out a Glock 19, pointing it directly at my face.
Chapter Two
The room goes silent and I stand perfectly still. I’m familiar with weapons, sure. I’ve even had them pointed at me before. Lots of times, unfortunately.
But that doesn’t make it any less terrifying.
I stare at the man. Normally, they are just trying to scare me or get information. Sometimes, they even hold me for ransom. I wonder how it will all play out this time.
When I see his finger start to squeeze the trigger, I suddenly realize that this won’t be like those other times.
He is here to kill me.
Everything stops. My breath, myfuture, this man is about to take everything. My life flashes before my eyes and I am absolutely devastated to find it… empty. I haven’tdoneanything,feltanything, and yet, all of it is about to be taken away. It’s too soon. I’m not ready.
My body trembles.
Just before I close my eyes, I catch a flicker of movement, of someone rushing towards us.Then I hear the shot ring out, deafening in such a small space. There is a sharp burn that rips violently through my side and a moment later, I experience instant agony rippling out inall directions until it consumes my entire body.
I look down seemingly in slow motion to where my hand is already pressed to my side, shocked at the blood blooming across and quickly staining my shirt. A scuffle pulls my eyes back up and I see Sebastian working to wrestle the gun from the man. I watch with wide eyes as Sebastian elbows him straight in the face, ripping the gun from his hands and then smashing the grip into his nose repeatedly.
My vision blurs and I slump towards the floor.
I brace for the pain to increase when I hit the ground, but it doesn’t. I blink rapidly, confused and desperately trying to hold on to consciousness. Then I see the blonde hair and those blue eyes looking down at me, I feel a pair of strong hands as they lower me slowly to the ground.
Luke. He caught me,I think, the notion slightly distracting me from whatever the hell is happening here.
But I know what’s going on. It’s whatalwayshappens. Shit likethismess. And it’s all thanks to my father.
I hear several sets of footsteps making their way into the room. I open my mouth to speak, but suddenly Luke’s hand is there, silencing my half-hearted attempt.
“Shhh,I’ve got you, but I need you to keep quiet. Can you do that for me, Leena?” Luke whispers and I love the way he says my name.
He’s touching me. And he smells good,the thoughts making me realize just how dizzy I am. The pain in my side flares up again and I wince. Then Luke’s strong hand is there, pressing a rag up against the wound to stop the bleeding, momentarily enhancing the burning pain.