Page 15 of The Coffee Shop

“We do however get a little…competitive,” I add, smiling at Sebastian, because this is already going better than I thought it would.

“Competitive?” she asks, confused.

“Mm-hmm.You see, if Sebastian kisses your neck, I’ll want to do itbetter,” I smile at her, brushing a finger across my lips as I look down at her neck, already wanting it again.

“And if Luke’s fingers make you scream, I’ll make sure mine make you screamlouder,” Sebastian growls out.

He’s already trying to one-up me just in this conversation. That petty fuck.

“I can see… how that could…” she stutters. “Um… make things…fuck. It’s fucking hot, okay? Is that what you want to hear? You want to know my dreams? My fucking fantasy? It’sthat. It’s whatever the hellthisis,” she gestures between the three of us. “But just so we’re clear, I don’tdorelationships either. But if I’m going to be stuck with the two of you, with all your muscles and your blue eyesall gorgeous and up in my face and you being so goddamnniceall the time, then I’ll be damned if I’m keeping my hands off you.”

We both smile at her, then each other.

“But… I’ve never done…thatbefore,” she admits, sounding a little guilty, but she’s still smiling.

And I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in myentire fucking life.

“You think my blue eyes are gorgeous?” Sebastian bumps her shoulder playfully and she rolls her eyes before looking up at him.

Then their expressions grow serious as they gaze into each other’s eyes.

There’s no mistakingthatlook.

“Leena, we’re not fucking you tonight,” I say, interrupting the sultry staring contest that’s going on over there.

Her face drops to a scowl as she turns to me.

“Why not?” she says, all disappointed and angry.

“Because, sweetness,” Sebastian says from the other side of her, “we don’t fuck women when they’re drunk off their ass. That leads to poor decisions and regrets in the morning.”

“I won’t regret it,” she says confidently,hopefully, looking back and forth between us again.

We both give her a look that says this is not up for discussion.

“Ugh, fine then!” Leena says, then stands on the bench seat, wavering just a little before steadying herself. Then shecrawlsover the table to escape from in between us.

Sebastian and I give each other an amused grin.

“Whatcha doing, Leena?” I ask, watching as she opens the refrigerator and pulls out as many water bottles as she can carry.

“Sobering up!” She bites back, then stumbles her way down the hall toward the front door.

“Leena, it’s two in the fucking morning, where are you going?” I ask.

“Oh, this I gotta see,” Sebastian says, smiling andgrabbing the tequila off the table before following after her.

When I walk out onto the porch, Leena is lining up her water bottles on the top step. It takes her a while because, well, being this drunk requires concentration.

I should know, I had more than she did.

At least Sebastian seems relatively upright. But the man’s a tank, he can drink whatever the hell he wants and still be up before dawn.

When Leena makes her way down the steps and startsstretching, I stare. It’s cold out here, but it’s not freezing, which is good, because Leena’s shirt seems paper-thin. For some reason that bothers me.

Then, Leena takes off running around the side of the house and into the dark.

“Should we go after her?” I look at Sebastian and he gives a shrug, obviously not knowing what to do either.