“How much did you drink, Case? Maybe I should drive, and we can talk about popcorn once we’re there.”
Casey grinned, his eyes still glassy but soft. “You’re so pretty, Haley.”
She snorted. “I’ll watch a movie with you, but I’m not sleeping with you, Case.”
He sighed, hanging his head. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I had to try, though. Let’s get out of here.”
He handed her his car keys, and Haley tossed the bag with her ruined dress in the back seat, wrinkling her nose at the smell.
“It reeks,” she muttered as she climbed into the driver’s seat. “I’ll swing by my place to drop this off and grab some treats. We could use a few pillows and blankets if we’re settling in to watch a movie.”
Casey brightened, his mood lifting instantly. “Like a sleepover?”
Haley shook her head but couldn’t help smiling. “Yeah, just like a sleepover.”
He’d shocked her when he asked her to prom, though. They’d never dated, but he’d explained that they were both seniors and might as well go as friends. She’d been happy to accept.
Only… tonight, things had taken a strange turn. Casey kept going back to the punch bowl for more drinks, getting friendlier with each one until he finally attempted to kiss her in the middle of the dance floor. But instead of landing a kiss, he’d managed to puke up half a gallon of red punch. Apparently, someone had spiked the bowl, and poor Casey had drunk his fill.
Once Haley had cleaned up and they’d been unceremoniously kicked out of prom, Casey admitted everything. The football players had a bet going: anyone who didn’t “get lucky” tonight would have to wear a cheerleader’s skirt and pom-poms at the next pep rally. She highly doubted any of those guys would fit into those tiny skirts—hell, she couldn’t fit into those skirts. When she pointed that out, Casey had perked up a bit.
“It’s not that I don’t want to sleep with you, Haley,” he mumbled. “You're fucking hot. It’s just that… y’know, fucking friends is kinda weird.”
Haley had blinked, unsure how to respond to that bizarre confession. So she just nodded as if she understood completely.
Once they arrived at the drive-in, things felt more normal. They’d loaded up with pillows, blankets, and snacks from her mom’s pantry and settled into the back of Casey’s mom’s station wagon. They watched the first movie, some action flick where good triumphed over evil, and downed enough popcorn to make them both a hair above food comatose.
“It’s just after two in the morning,” Casey said, rubbing his eyes when the credits rolled. “Do you want to watch the next one? It’s a horror movie.”
“Why not?” Haley’s yawn nearly dislocated her jaw. “Besides, if you stay out all night, the guys on the team can assume we… y’know.”
Casey’s face lit up. “I could just say we slept together. Not, like… slept slept, but actually slept. That counts, right?”
Haley laughed. “It counts. Now hush—it’s starting.”
About twenty minutes into the movie, they both passed out. It wasn’t until dawn when someone banged on the car window that they woke up.
“What the hell?” Casey groaned, clutching his head.
Haley rolled down the window, blinking blearily at the police officer. He did not look amused.
“Sorry, officer,” she rasped, her voice thick with sleep. “We fell asleep during the second show.”
He arched his brow. “It’s obvious what’s going on here. I’m just grateful you have your clothes on. If I see one more half-naked teenager, I swear I’m resigning. Now, get yourselves home. Both of you.”
“Yes, sir,” Haley replied, holding back laughter as she rolled up the window and started the car.
By the time they pulled into her driveway, both of them were laughing their heads off.
“Did you see his face?” Casey said, trying to puff out his chest and deepen his voice in an impression of the officer. “At least you have your clothes on."
Haley snorted, finishing the line in a dramatic drawl.“If I see another hairy-assed kid…”
A cold, angry voice cut through their laughter. “Where in the hell have you two been?”
The smile slipped off Haley’s face as she looked toward the porch, where Ian Johnson stood. His expression could only be described as thunderous. Since they were neighbors, seeing him wasn’t a total surprise. But it wasn’t like him to be lingering outside, especially the morning after prom. Besides, he hadn’t been over to Haley’s house in years.
“Answer me,” he demanded, storming up to Casey, getting right in his face.