The only thing better would be if he would wear nothing at all. How else was a girl to see his sculpted chest, chiseled abs, and that deliciously wicked vee of his hips? However, his ridiculous outfit did manage to show his rather impressive package to advantage.
“Oh! Ian. It looks like you need to change the bag!”
The push mower he used hadn’t been in regular action since the early eighties. It was rusted and near to collapse. Not only that, but it required that he dump the clippings every few passes,and that required him leaning over and showing his gorgeously tight ass.
From every dirty glare, Haley knew he wanted to tear her head off. But she didn’t care. Haley just grinned unrepentantly and waved her fingers. “Hurry, lovebug. We have loads to do before you’re done.”
Haley had spent many a lazy afternoon lounging in her yard, watching the Johnson boys working out, washing one of their cars, or doing yard work.
However, while she could appreciate that they all were attractive, only Ian caused her temperature to rise and her pulse to jump. Sure, she enjoyed his brothers’ magnificent forms, but they didn’t get her panties wet.
Haley was still confused about why his brothers Dennis, Dean and Derek had shown up to help her buy the date with Ian. While they had always been nice to Haley, they were older and hadn’t been a part of Haley’s friend group. It was obvious at the auction Dennis was crushing on Verity. Haley had tried to bring it up with Ver, but she wasn’t having any of it.
Now, as she lay in the summer sun working on her tan, Haley smirked as she caught Ian eyeing her cutoff shorts and frilly tank top. Likely, he was devising a way to kill her. But his eyes told a completely different story. Ian had the hots for her. They were screaming out: Fuck her hard and fast.
Haley squirmed under his gaze. The chemistry between them had always been explosive, but here in her backyard, it was sizzling. Oh, she’d gotten him good. Ian had to have felt almost naked in the booty shorts that he could barely keep up. They left nothing to the imagination. And the bra wasn’t even covering his nipples, not that it would have helped. His chest was tight and hard. The cups kept riding up and getting stuck in his armpits.
Throughout the entire affair, Haley sipped her sweet tea and called out extra things for him to do that involved bending overand reaching high, out-of-the-way places. She was punishing him for tricking her with the date. A twinge of guilt struck her—maybe he had been legitimate when he’d asked her out. But then, why would his buddies have said what they did? It hardly made sense.
“Do you want to start weeding next?” Haley called out in a sugary sweet tone after Ian had finished up the last of the mowing.
Ian turned to glare at her. His chest glistened with sweat, something that should have been disgusting, yet Haley was salivating. Glaring he began to walk toward her, reaching behind his back and yanking the silly bra off his body.
She swung her legs off the porch swing when he moved to join her. “Wha… what are you doing?”
Haley hated the breathlessness in her question, but he had once again thrown her off her game.
Ian’s hands went to the edges of his cutoff bootie shorts, and he began to push them down.
Haley’s heart rate went through the roof as every inch of tan skin revealed more and more of Ian Johnson. It wasn’t until he had yanked them off and thrown them at her that she realized he was buck naked in her backyard and fuming mad.
Haley didn’t know what to do or where to look. Not that she hadn’t already taken a peek at his long, hard dick—it was hard to ignore—emphasis on the hard.
She swallowed and stammered, “But you aren’t done yet!”
Then Ian turned, and his glorious ass was magnificently revealed.
“What are you doing?” Her voice was breathless and horrified at the same time.
When he turned back, Haley lost all control of her senses as she stared at his cock. He was long and thick, leaning slightly to the left. The longer she stared, the more it grew.Forget butterflies in the stomach, Haley had elephants tramping around in there.
Her eyes were wide with wonder and her pink tongue came out to wet her bottom lip that suddenly felt dry.
“I am done being your slave, Haley,” Ian growled.
“I have all day,” she said hoarsely.
“You’ve had far longer than that,” Ian huffed. “Don’t you get it, Haley? I like you, but this shit? It’s beneath you.”
Guilt flooded her. Ian was right. She was using him for cheap labor and objectifying his body—everything she hated about what men did to women.
“Shit, Ian,” she confessed. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I truly am.”
She could tell that he was about to walk away. Haley had to do something before he washed his hands of her.
“I like you too,” she blurted out. “Probably a lot more than I should.”
Ian’s brow rose, and she saw something he’d held back in his expression. There was a raw need and fierce hunger in his eyes that made her lower stomach clench. Between his erect cock and his naked body, Ian was utterly exposed to her.