I scoffed. "And say what? That one tiny female has the pack turned inside out? The women would have a hay day with that. Lord knows we would never live it down. No, she will stay with me at the pack house until the roads are passable. Then we will give this Mazie Green a chance to choose her fate."

Since she was my mate, if Mazie Green chose to leave, I might have to go with her. You didn't break a mating bond—ever.

Before Kyle could respond, Mazie's eyes popped open, and she flung out her hand, knocking into my stomach so hard that I flew into the wall. I'm a good five or six inches above six feet. I have at least two hundred and twenty pounds of muscle on my frame, and no umbra, wolf, or cat has ever knocked me off my feet.

The ringing in my ears was disconcerting as I disentangled myself from the sheetrock wall she'd just about put me through.

"So,"I drawled, speaking to Kyle. "Strength seems to be her first ability."

Mazie looked down at her nails and shrieked. I expected one of my fingers to be hanging off or at least an open wound. I snatched her hand, ignoring the immediate pull of our bond at the feel of skin on skin. Looking at her delicate hand, I struggled to find what was wrong. I'm flipping it over and still not seeing anything. I glanced at her quizzically. I was very much aware that her breathing was as erratic as my own and that she was inches from me in a thin sheet that was losing its war with gravity. I was also very much aware that she was naked under that sheet.

I've seen a lot of naked in my day. Being a shifter, you have to get used to it. But damn, if her naked didn't have my body doing things it had never done before. The only thing saving her from me pouncing on her was the stark, raving terror that she wore like a badge of honor.

Snatching her hand back, she whimpered. "You broke my nail! I just had them done! It's seventy-five dollars to get them dipped."

I frowned. "Dipped in what?"

"Who the hell cares?"Kyle muttered beneath his breath, but he was smart enough to hold his tongue when I snarled at him.

Looking back at Mazie, I could see the color had drained from her face. Damn it all to hell, I hadn't meant to scare her.

"Are you alright?"I asked hesitantly, gentling my voice.

She was like a frightened animal, eyes darting around and scrambling to clutch her sheet closer to her chest. The protective side of me flared to life.

"Let me find you something to wear, little one,"I smiled.

"Okay,"she said with a jerky nod.

I moved to leave, but her hand darted out and grabbed mine before I could go. I was surprised that her strength was enough to stop me in my tracks.

"Please don't leave me alone,"she whispered through her messy curls.

"I will be here,"Kyle began to assure her, but it didn't matter because I was already scooping her into my arms.

She was so small against my large frame. My umbra loved how she tucked her neck under my chin and settled into my chest. My mate. It was clear that my umbra didn't need any other assurances. What worried me was that Mazie might take one look at our secluded lifestyle and hit the road running.

I took her to my room, not hesitating, as I opened the door and placed her in the middle of my worn quilt.

"It will just take me a minute,"I began, turning from Mazie and walking to the dresser. I pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of boxers. Looking at the T-shirt, I figured she could wear it like a dress, but the sweats would drown her. Frowning, I turned and asked, "I don't suppose a pair of boxers would be too personal?"

She flushed. A healthy splash of color stained her cheeks. "Well, I am naked in your bed right now. So, I don't think it gets any more personal than that."

I nodded, trying my best not to stare at her, but somehow, I couldn't help myself. I stumbled over my words as I wanted to offerher the clothing in my hands. "Here, um, here is something for you to wear."

I turned to leave the room so she could change, you know, being gentlemanly so she had some privacy, but instead of walking out the door, I walked straight into it. Seconds later, I was staring up at the ceiling. Kyle shoved the door open just in time to whack my head with it.

Mazie let out a horrified gasp just as Kyle mocked, "Laying down on the job?"

I growled at him. "You need to trim your nose hairs."

He smiled. "So kind of you to notice. It would appear that you two have things under control."

I flipped him a somewhat obscene gesture and moved to sit up. Rather than offer a hand, Kyle turned to Mazie.

"If you need anything, just have Alpha send it to me."

Mazie's brow knitted together. "Alpha?"