I threw on the nearest shirt—his shirt—that swallowed me in size and scent. It was ridiculous how much comfort it offered me, a shield against the creeping dread the message had instilled.

"Something’s wrong."I whispered to myself, rereading the text. An icy thread wove through my veins, and I knew I couldn't ignore this—not alone, not when every instinct screamed that this threat was masked behind pixels and anonymity.

Finding Ajax would be my first step. His presence was a fortress, andhis leadership was the strategy we needed. He would know what to do—he always did.

"Come on, Mazie,"I told my reflection in the mirror, trying to stir up the courage that came so naturally to the celebrated version of me. "You can do this."

With the weight of the unknown on my shoulders, I stepped outto seek the protection only the pack leader and my mate could provide.

I found him on the porch, his silhouette broad and immovable against the midday sun. "Ajax,"I called out, my voice steadier than I felt.

He turned, those piercing blue eyes scanning me for any sign of distress. "Mazie, what's wrong?"he asked, closing the distance between us with swift, purposeful strides.

I held out my phone, the screen illuminating the ominous words that had shattered my sense of safety. "I received this message,"I said, his expression shifting from concern to a steely resolve.

"Let me handle this,"he assured me, taking the device from my trembling fingers. "It’s probably nothing. But whatever this is, we'll face it together."

I nodded, feeling the tight coil of anxiety in my stomach loosen ever so slightly at his promise. "Thank you,"I murmured. His thumb brushed the back of my hand, a fleeting touch that spoke volumes of his silent vow to keep me safe.

"Stay close today,"he instructed, his gaze never leaving mine. "I don't want you too far until we figure this out."

"Okay,"I agreed, the word a tiny life raft in a sea of uncertainty.

I excused myself as Ajax melded into his role, dissecting the threat with quiet intensity. The need for familiar faces drew me toward the heart of the pack, where the female umbrae gathered for their morning rituals.

"Hey, girl,"Hope greeted me, her smile genuine despite the worry lines etched around her eyes. She sensed my unease because she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, guiding me to join the circle of women who embodied strength and grace.

"Rough night?"Raylene sneered, not bothering to hide her dislike.

How bitchy of her to throw last night in my face?I thought with a flush.

"Something like that,"I muttered, turning my back on the sour old woman.

"Tell us everything,"Eva urged, ignoring Raylene’s bad manners.

And so I did. They had watched the physical coupling and knew what had happened, but I could still tell them how I felt. His touch had unraveled me, piece by piece until I was raw and open—a version of myself I didn't recognize. They listened intently as I confessed my fears about my body, heart, and inexperience.

"I have to admit. It's never been like that in my lifetime. But damn, girl, it was epic,"Hope said softly, her face flushing with heat.

"Isn't it bad form to kiss and tell?"Raylene sneered from her side of the group.

"Everyone saw everything, Raylene. What could I possibly have hidden that wasn't seen?"I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Leave her alone,"Eva snapped at Raylene. "You don't need to be like that."

"Or what?"Raylene laughed, but it wasn't pleasant. "You'll run to alpha?"

Eva's eyes narrowed. "I've seen Mazie fight. She doesn't need Alpha to protect her from the likes of you."

The older woman's face burned with embarrassment as she gathered her knitting and stalked away.

"You didn't have to do that,"I murmured to Eva, horrified that I had caused a scene.

"Yes, she did,"Faith interjected. "If she didn't, I was going to. That old biddy has been mean to you since day one."

In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and kindness of these women, I realized that maybe—just maybe—I was beginning to find my place among the umbrae, among friends.

Thankfully, Hope changed the subject. Soon, laughter and shared stories continued, weaving a feeling of acceptance and belonging that I wrapped around myself like a cloak. But beneath the camaraderie, the text's venomous words still slithered through my thoughts, a dark undercurrent threatening to pull me under, not to mention Raylene's hate, which still didn't sit right with me.