The relentless beep of my alarm pulled me from a dream where I was tangled in the sheets with Mr. Tall, Tattooed & Sexy. With a groan, I fumbled for the source of the noise, desperately wishing to return to that sensual paradise for a moment longer.

"Ugh, not today," I muttered as I finally silenced the alarm on my phone.

I reluctantly forced my eyes open and stretched in my cozy bed like a cat in the sun. It was time to face another day of the daily grind. As much as I loved being a plus-size influencer, helping others embrace their bodies, and promoting self-love, it came with its fair share of challenges. The first and foremost was staying out of the red. Being able to provide for myself was something I was incredibly proud of. At the same time, juggling my growing platform, curating followers, and enticing brands to take a chance on me was challenging. It was rewarding in the end to know that I’d gone and accomplished more than anybody had ever expected from a foster kid like me.

"Morning," I said, giving my reflection in the mirror a warm smile before heading to thebathroom.

"Alright, Mazie, let's get this day started," I said, splashing cold water on my face and feeling the sleepiness recede. Reciting my daily mantra, which had been taped to my mirror, I dried my face and hopped into the shower.

Twenty minutes later, as I dressed for the day, I couldn't help but think about the loneliness that sometimes crept in despite my best efforts to stay positive. I’d always wanted to be a part of something bigger than I was. I’d watch those big families on television and wonder what it was like to have so many people who loved and cared for you. Sometimes, I wondered what it would feel like to belong anywhere—if I fell off the edge of the earth, nobody would care. My childhood experiences in foster care had clearly left their mark.

“Hey, you've come a long way, girl.”I reminded myself, determined not to dwell on the past.Years of therapy had taught me I didn’t need anybody’s approval or permission to be happy.“You're helping others now, spreading love and positivity. That's what matters.”

I grabbed my house shoes and slipped them on before going out onto the old front porch.

"Good morning, Mazie!" my neighbor Mrs. Thompson called out cheerfully from her side of the garden wall as she watered her roses. I’d stepped outside to grab the mail, hoping not to run into anybody. It wasn’t lost on me how I equally craved closer connections and repelled any outstretched hand of kindness. Mental health could be a real bitch at times.

Despite her friendly face, I felt a rush of anxiety speaking with Mrs. Thompson. However, she was the only person besides my therapist with whom I had regular interactions. To put it lightly, I wouldn't say I sought public interactions. However, through therapy, I’d come a long way. I now could run to the grocery store and even filmed plus-size try-on hauls at local curvy-friendly clothing stores. Baby steps, that’s what Dr. Baker called them.

"Morning, Mrs. Thompson!" I replied, waving back as I headed to my mailbox.

"Have a great day at work, dear!" she shouted after me, and I couldn't help but smile. The woman likely had no idea what I did for a living, but she wished me a good day at work, like clockwork. Most people didn’t understand how making a living online could be profitable.The truth was that it was highly profitable for a select few. Then there was the next group that was just on the cusp of something bigger. That’s where I fell. I was close to making it huge, but I hadn’t crossed that last peak. The largest group dabbled in careers online and made pocket money. That’s where I’d been for far too long, and I wasn’t going back.

"Thanks! You too!" I called back, snagging my mail and turning back toward my tiny cottage-style home. She wasn't much, and we didn't live in the safestpart of town, but I could make rent on my own. Sometimes, I hadn't anywhere to sleep for the night after my foster parents had kicked me out at eighteen. I thanked God that those days were behind me.

With a sigh, I caught my reflection in the glass door as I returned to my home. Long hair that was both wavy and curly in places hung down my back. My hazel-green eyes were upturned and likely my best feature. My boobs could have been bigger and my hips could have been smaller, but all in all, I liked what I saw.

I gave myself a stern look and muttered, "Let's make today count."

Once I was back in my kitchen, I began to sort through my mail. On top was a crisp envelope with an elegant wax seal. Taking a surreptitious glance at the other envelopes, I saw that this was the only one like it. A bubble of excitement welled inside me, but I did my best to tackle it. Getting your hopes up helped nobody. I didn't yet know what this could be.

"Keep it together, Green," I told myself, not wanting to count any eggs before they were hatched. The return address belonged to a newer, up-and-coming athleisure wear brand I had been dying to work with.

Slipping my finger underneath the seal, I opened the letter and began to read:

Dear Mazie Green,

We are delighted to invite you to review our latest collection of workout wear, designed specifically for women who celebrate their curves. Join us at our exclusive mountain retreat to experience the finest in luxury athletic apparel and enjoy a weekend of relaxation and rejuvenation in nature's splendor.

"Whoa," I whispered, my eyes widening as I read further. This was an opportunity I couldn't ignore, even if it felt suspiciously too good to be true. If I could snag a partnership with a renowned brand like this, it would elevate my status as an influencer and help spread my message of body positivity to a broader audience. As a plus-size influencer, I was in demand.Watch out, Lizzo; I was going to blow this out of the galaxy.

And yet, I couldn't help that tiny seed of doubt.Why me? And why such a secluded location? Could my anxiety take an overnight event?

"Is this legit?" I asked myself, hugging the invitation close to my chest. My mind raced with conflicting thoughts – excitement, doubt, and an undeniable longing for something new and thrilling in my otherwise monotonous life.

"Okay, Mazie," I sighed, pacing the length of my living room. "You can do this. You've been waiting for an opportunity like this, and it's finally here.... trust your instincts."

"Besides,"I added, grinning, "what's the worst that could happen?"

I picked up my phone and dialed the number in the invitation, hesitating momentarily before pressing the call button. As the line connected, I took a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever lay ahead.

"Hello?"The voice on the other end was smooth and reassuring. "Is this Mazie Green? We're thrilled you've decided to join us for our exclusive event."

"Uh, yes, it's me, Mazie,"I stammered, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and vulnerability wash over me. "I'm looking forward to it."