"Always." It was a promise I intended to keep with every fiber of my being.

We settled into the picnic, and I leaned in closer as I handed her a strawberry tart. "How are things with the females?" I asked, genuinely curious about her thoughts. "Everybody treating you well?"

Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed like worry clouded her face for an instant. However, I must have been mistaken. The next second, she took a bite of a chocolate-covered strawberry and moaned as the juices squirted out and spotted her chin. I'd never wanted to be a piece of fruit so severely in my life.

She licked her fingers, and I changed my mind. I wanted her tongue sucking on every inch of me.

Unbeknownst to her, she prattled on about the girls and how funny they were. I knew I should be listening, but I couldn't help it. Everything she put in her mouth was an erotic masterpiece. The woman fascinated me.

"Yes, I think I've decided to shave my head and only eat pink peppercorn from now on."

Wait. What?

"I beg your pardon?" I managed to sputter as she broke into fits of laughter.

"You weren't listening to me," she chided gently.

I felt my face heat. "I was trying to. But everything you put in your mouth made me go to places that distracted me. I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"That I care about you, Ajax. You make me feel like I'm a part of this pack. It means the world to me." Her voice was soft but sure, filled with an emotion that resonated deep within me.

I reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "You are a part of something bigger, Mazie. It's not just the pack. Our bond ties our souls together forever. You are my family now, just as much as anyone else. You mean the world to me. And you," I paused, choosing my words carefully, "you've brought something special to us all."

"Really?" The vulnerability flickered across her face like shadows in the forest.

"Absolutely," I whispered, assuring her. "You've brought laughter and kindness into my life. I know you've given up a lot to be here. I want you to know you don't have to give up being an influencer. As long as you're careful and don't reveal where you are or what you are, you can still have any dream you've ever wanted. I never want to hold you back."

Mazie set down her chocolate-covered strawberry and looked at me, those beautiful eyes searching mine. “Thank you, Ajax. You don’t know how much that means to me,” she hesitated, biting her lip in thought. “I would never expose the pack or your location to anyone. I know how important it is to keep your secrets."

"I know you will," I said without hesitation. "I was going to tell you this when we got home. But, Mazie," I began, my voice barely above the falls' gentle roar. "There's something you need to know."

She tilted her head, concerned, knitting her brows together as she reached for my hand. "What is it, Ajax? You can tell me anything."

I took a deep breath, the weight of leadership pressing down on me like the mountains that loomed over our valley. "I met with the local police today—the Lycan detectives. There are rumors, dangerous ones, that human hunters are targeting shifters. They're getting bolder. I'm worried for you, for all of us. Those texts could mean a whole lot more than we first thought. It would help if you stayed close to the pack. I would glue you to my side if I had my way."

Mazie's grip on my hand tightened, her fear tangible. But she surprised me with the strength in her voice. "As uncomfortable as that sounds, I understand the sentiment. It's okay, Ajax. We can face this together. I know you're used to shouldering the pack's problems alone. But I am here now; I can take some of the load."

Her words, meant to comfort, only highlighted the isolation of my role: to protect, serve, and lead. It was a burden no man should carry alone, yet it was mine, and mine alone. The silence stretched between us, filled only by nature's symphony and the raw honesty hanging in the air.

I needed to learn to let her in. Wasn't that part of having a mate? Sharing each other's burdens? Yet the thought of Mazie ever being hurt or worse terrified me. It was better for me to shoulder the responsibilities myself. However, I couldn't let her feel the gesture wasn't greatly appreciated.

"Thank you, Mazie," I whispered. "Your faith in me... It means more than you know."

She leaned forward then, closing the distance between us. Her lips met mine in a soft and sweet kiss, a balm to the deep weariness in my soul. At that moment, her love was a beacon, guiding me through the darkness of my fears.

"Come with me," she said suddenly, her hazel eyes reflecting the dappled sunlight. Without waiting for a response, she stood and unbuttoned her blouse with a mischievous smirk.

Hell, yes, I liked where this was heading. "Baby girl, are you teasing your daddy?" I asked, my heart pounding as my mouth went dry, just watching her impromptu strip tease.

"Swimming," she replied with a smirk, letting the last of herclothes fall to the forest floor. Her hips were round and begging for my hands. Those heavy tits had hardened nipples that I longed to nip with my teeth. She was a goddess in her own right, and I wanted to worship every last inch of her.

"Join me," she beckoned, her voice carrying over the water splashing against the rocks.

I stood, fumbling with my shirt, suddenly clumsy in my desire. My clothes fell away, abandoned on the forest floor, as I followed her to the water's edge.

The cold shock of the waterfall's pool enveloped us both, but the chill was no match for the heat that flared within me as I became mesmerized by her floating breasts. Mazie's laughter bubbled up, mingling with the cascade, and I watched in awe as she embraced the natural world around us—a nymph of the forest, my mate.

"Isn't it breathtaking?" she gasped, her skin prickling with goosebumps as she turned to face me. With a wicked grin, she cupped both of her tits and pinched her nipples playfully. I felt it in my dick as she emitted a low moan.