I did everything just like Dr. Baker had taught me, but I still felt like I was either going to puke up my guts or have a heart attack. Where in the hell was I? Glancing around the room, I prayed that something would jog my memory. However, nothing looked familiar.

"Where...?"I whispered, my voice hoarse and unsteady. This wasn't my car.Thiswasn'ttheroad to the remote location.This was... a room? But how had I gotten here?

"Think, Mazie,"I urged myself despite the throbbing pain. Struggling to piece together my fragmented memories, I recounted, "You were driving... in the storm... and then..."

I shuddered as the images came flooding back – the screech of tires, the sickening lurch, the bone-jarring impact. My breath hitched in my throat, and I squeezed my eyes shut, willing away the panic that threatened to engulf me.

"Okay,"I whispered, opening my eyes once more. You're alive, you're safe, but where are you?"

The room was small and uncluttered; there was an IV pole and a few monitors, unlike any hospital I'd ever seen. It had a strange, earthy smell, something I would expect at a health food store. I pushed myself to sit up against the wall, still clutching my sheet like a shield.

Wincing at the pain that flared through my limbs, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly, inexplicably wrong.

"Hello?"I called out, my voice wavering. "Is anyone there?"

There was no answer – just the faint creaking of floorboards above me and the steady drip-drip-drip of rainwater through a crack in the ceiling.

"Please,"I whispered, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "I need help."

The only thing I recognized was the IV sticking out of my arm.

Dear God… Aliens had abducted me. There was no other explanation. Everything around me looked—sterile. My hand immediately went to cradle the small round of my stomach. Babies? Was I impregnated with alien babies? What if there were tentacles?

A wave of nausea overtook me. Morning sickness! I scrambled over to the garbage can and puked. There is nothing like vomiting to induce a good cry. Sinking back to the floor, I clutched my vomit-filled garbage can and sobbed like a baby.

I couldn't even focus on using this crazy experience to help boost my platform, and I was always trying to increase my presence. However, there were some tragic experiences that even I couldn't put a positive spin on.

With my IV pole tipped at a precarious angle because I was now on the floor, I briefly wondered what they were putting into me. A braver girl would likely have ripped the sucker out. But that would likely involve blood, and I wasn't a blood girl. I was more of a sprinkles and unicorns kind of girl.

Besides, what if I yanked the IV out, and it caused my alien babies to explode? No, it was better to wait and see. Besides, waiting involved not moving, and I wasn't feeling terrific.

At that moment, the door opened to admit a white-haired older gentleman and a burly, handsome one behind him.

Panic clawed at my chest, threatening to overwhelm me.I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to steadymy breathing as I fought back the urge to scream. Then I heard footsteps approaching and the creak of a door opening.

"Hello?"A gentle voice called out, breaking through the oppressive silence. "Are you alright?"

He flinched when he saw or smelled the trash can content, but like a true professional, he didn't balk. With the kindness of a grandfather, he took my puke can and helped me to my feet.

The older gentleman passed the stinky bucket to the other man and helped me return to bed. The handsome man cursed and dropped the can as quickly as he'd caught it.

"My name is Kyle,"the older man introduced himself, "And this is Ajax. We were coming to check on you. Are you alright?"

Kyle seemed genuine, but Ajax's scowl hadn't let up since he'd entered the room.

"Where am I?"I whispered, clutching the sheet once again.

"You were in an accident,"Kyle replied gently. "Do you remember anything before waking up here today?"

"The last thing I remember is driving in a terrible rainstorm. I was supposed to be meeting a vendor about a photoshoot. The next thing I knew, I was waking up here. I'd thought…"Suddenly, my assumptions about aliens and babies seemed silly.

"What did you think?"Kyle encouraged.

"Wh-who are you?"I stammered, clutching the edge of the mattress beneath me for support.

"Sorry, I should've introduced myself first,"he said, offering me a warm smile. "My name is Kyle Spencer. I'm a healer."He stepped forward, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. "We found your car after the accident. You're safe now."

"Safe..."I whispered, the word feeling foreign on my tongue. I wanted to believe him, but unease lingered like a dark cloud hovering beyond the horizon.