"In the press conference held by the chief of police, it was mentioned that your patient has agoraphobia, a condition that often causes the individual to be afraid of leaving their home. Is this why you contacted the police?"

"I cannot discuss my patient's care with the media. However, in the eight years I've known Mazie, she's always attended her therapy appointments. I hope and pray that she's okay."

"Thank you, Dr. Baker,"the reporter said, returning the microphone. "If anyone has any information about-"His words were cut off when Ajax stopped the news story. But there was a picture of me from one of my YouTube videos on the screen. I had about three pounds of makeup and was grinning like I was on top of the world. But the truth was that now, looking back at myself, I could see what I maybe hadn't allowed myself to see before.

My eyes had a sadness that no amount of smiling could entirely dispel. My eyes weren't focused on anything specific, almost as if I was worried someone would look into them and see the truth—that I was hiding behind the clothes, makeup, and fancy lashes. It wasn't that I thought those things were unnecessary. It's just that I thought nobody could ever like me without them. But Ajax had never seen me that way until now.

"I suppose it's time to face your real life, baby girl,"he said gently.I would never tell you what to do, but I won't lie. I want you to stay here with me, with our pack."

I nodded, knowing that he was right. Our time together was like a fairytale. The problem with fairytales is that they always have an ending.

He continued, "Now that the roads are cleared, we should tell theworld you are safe. It's going to be difficult to navigate. We can't let the public know about our pack."

I smiled as if to agree, but my bottom lip quivered.

"Mazie, I can see you're upset. Let's talk about it."

But I didn't know what to say. I was mortified that the reporter had released such personal information about myself. I felt guilty for worrying Dr. Baker, yet I was furious that she'd done the interview.

I scrambled off of Ajax's lap. "I'm not upset. I need to take care of something downstairs. I'll be back in just a moment."

Before Ajax could stop me, I raced from the room and darted down the stairs into the kitchen. It had been the first place Ajax had awakened my sexual desire. Only I felt about as desirable as a chewed piece of gum.

I heard and smelled some people coming to the backdoor. Strangers weren't my thing. But I could handle it. I took a deep breath and practiced the calming technique I'd learned in therapy.

"Mazie,"Kyle's greeting was followed by the entrance of six women. "I'd like to introduce you to more of the pack."

Focusing on keeping my shit together, I nodded politely.

"Of course, you already know Eva,"he motioned to my friend, who waved cheerily. "This is her mom, Carol."

I turned to shake Carol's hand, but she enveloped me in a hug I hadn't expected.

Rather than making me feel scared or anxious, her calming presence helped to quiet my racing heart.

"I'm a hugger,"Carol said rosily. I could see that Eva was a lot like her mom.

"Now, where were we?"Kyle asked, turning back to the woman. "This is Hope and Faith. Their momma was a big believer in the bible."

Hope, a beautiful black woman about my age, gave me a friendly wave. Faith, just as lovely but far curvier, stared at me like I had an extra horn growing out of my head. I felt up there just to be safe. I didn't.

Hope elbowed her sister. "You're being creepy, Faith. Cut it out!"

"Do you know who this is?"Faith giggled excitedly.

"The alpha's mate?"Hope replied with a quizzical expression.

"Not that,"Faith brushed aside. "Her!"She pointed her finger right at me.

A woman with long braids and a killer body snorted and bumped Faith with her hip. "Enough, Stripes, Hope's right. You are scaring her."

"Janica,"she whispered urgently, "you don't get it. This is Mazie Green,THEMazie Green. Plus-size model, Instagram sensation, YouTube superstar. She's like super famous! About a million TikTok’s are talking about your disappearance right now, Mazie."

I felt my face heat while my stomach dropped to somewhere around my knees. "Yeah, I just found out about that."

Faith frowned. "Yikes, I suppose you can't tell everybody what happened. Can you? What are you going to do?"

I had no fucking idea.