Natalie refused even to think that Katie could be right about her suspicions, but nevertheless, they found themselves in a very pink aisle.
Natalie stood in front of the sea of pregnancy tests and felt a wall of nausea threaten to knock her over. There were blue packages and purple packages. Ones that promised to tell you a week earlier, other ones that promised they were 99% accurate.
There were plus signs, double lines, double tests, strips, even a triple check container, and that was the one that Natalie plucked off the shelf.
Katie snorted from behind her. “I really don’t see why this is necessary.”
Natalie looked up and down the aisle. “Would you at least try and act like you are on a secret mission?”
Katie shrugged, taking the pregnancy test out of Natalie’s hands and walking it up to the front.
“Hey, Tommy! How is your Mama doing?” Katie smiled at the teenager behind the register at the drugstore.
“Doing better, Ma’am, thanks for asking,” the young man blushed and rang up the pregnancy test and a pack of magnum condoms.
“Really?” Natalie hissed when they made it out to the car. “Condoms?”
Katie laughed, “What? I need them. Besides, I get them there all the time. It’s not a big deal.”
The girls traveled back to Katie’s house, and Natalie darted into the bathroom to take the first test. She didn’t even need three minutes before two distinct lines had appeared.
“Are you coming out?” Katie asked from the other side of the door.
“Was that a question?” Katie asked.
“No?” Natalie replied and then opened the door. “I think I’m pregnant.”
Katie grinned at her, “I know you are.”
Natalie frowned, “I don’t feel different, only slightly terrible.”
Katie’s face took on a sympathetic look, “From what I understand, that is how the whole baby-making process begins. Are you okay? I know things with you and Julio are just getting back on track.”
Natalie nodded slowly. “I guess I’m in a little bit of shock.”
“Let’s call Dr. Young and see if we can get you an appointment. They can tell you how far along you are and what you need to do. He can also help you feel better.”
Natalie slumped again, Katie, “Yes, please, I really want to feel better. It’s been forever.”
“Do you know when your last normal period was?”
She shook her head, “No, mine are irregular, and I haven’t had one in a while. But I know that I have felt terrible for at least two months.”
Katie phoned down to Dr. Young’s office just as Brian was walking in the back door.
“Hello,” Katie paused while the other woman was speaking, “Yes, I need to make an obstetrics appointment.”
“What?” Brian bellowed, racing into the room. “We’re having a baby?”
Katie glanced up. “What?”
But before she could speak again, he had her off her feet.
“I can’t believe we are having a baby!” he kissed her just as Dr. Young’s office tried to get more information from her.
“Brian!” Katie squirmed, laughing in his arms, “We aren’t having a baby, Natalie is!”