“I hadn’t heard, was there much damage?”

Earl chortled, “No!” Earl chortled. “Just a giant dick in pink spray paint.”

Julio snorted. “Sounds like a bunch of kids.”

“I figured it would,” Earl said and took a big sip of his soft drink.

“What? You did it?” Julio choked out.

Earl leaned over and shushed Julio. “Don’t be saying that so loud! I don’t need another night in the slammer. Knox is cheap when it comes to the blankets there. Damn near froze to death last time he arrested me.”

“Have I entered the Twilight Zone?” Julio asked and was only partially kidding.

Earl grinned, “Look, I was talking to Sutton, and she told me that you were staying there. I got it in my head that you might need a little help. So, I started the ball rolling with the dick. Things are playing out according to plan. They have already called Sutton to foot the bill of painting the place. You are going to tell her that you want to pay for it.”

“I do?” Julio looked bemused, “I don’t think I do.”

“Oh,” Earl assured him, “You most definitely do. You come in and paint the senior center, offer to update some of the broken things, and suddenly you’re the town hero. Your lady, she thinks you are a criminal, right?”

Julio winced again, “Something like that.”

“Well, soldier, we need to turn you into a boy scout.”

“That’s your plan, to spend my money and hope that Natalie will find out about it?”

Earl grinned. “I know she will because Sutton already told me that Natalie will be there Saturday when they start the painting. Julio, this is your chance. She isn’t going to leave just because you’re there. She would look bad.”

“Can’t I just hire someone to paint it?” Julio asked.

Earl shook his head, “No, we need to show her you are a changed man. The old Julio would have hired someone. Because he is cold and callous and doesn’t give a fuck.”

Julio frowned. “I am cold and callous and don’t give a fuck.”

“Well, son, you are going to need to change that attitude,” Earl lectured. “You are going to be the first person there with a paintbrush in hand and the last one to leave. What’s more, your girl helps out at the women and children’s center. So you, my friend, are about to tap into your sensitive side.”

“Why are you doing this?” Julio asked.

Martha arrived with all of their food, and Julio noted that the two BLTs that Earl ordered did look mouthwatering. Martha served one to Earl and the other to Julio. She also had a heaping basket of hot fries and two milkshakes.

The one thing she didn’t bring was a cup of black coffee.

“Are you sure about this?”

Julio had to be insane to be taking dating advice from the old codger. He was as shifty as any con artist Julio had ever seen. But then there was just something about Earl that drew one in.

“Whatever he is trying to convince you of, mister,” Martha sighed, “I would run the other way as fast as your legs will take you.”

Earl grinned again, “Are you in?”

Julio picked up his BLT. “I’m in.” And then he paused, “What does someone wear when they want to paint something?”


“Um, Julio?”

Julio turned his head to see Natalie staring at him in shock. His paintbrush was still against the trim of the senior citizens’ center.

“Natalia,” he murmured, giving her a wide smile, “What are you doing here?”