“Maybe they could make something out of it?” Alice suggested, “Like a rocket or hot air balloon?”

Reena and Katie gave her a look that indicated their thoughts on her amazing idea.

“Okay, but it’s not washing off. I think we will need to repaint this side of the building.”

“I am terrible at painting,” Katie groaned. “But I don’t mind getting some folks together. If we are going to paint one side, maybe we should paint everywhere? The front looks a little worse for wear.”

Alice snorted, “And who is going to pay for that?”

Reena grinned, “Our favorite billionaire, who else?”

“Of course!I would love to pay for the senior center to be painted! I can round up Mark and his brother Brian to help. That is a fantastic idea, Katie. Thank you for thinking of me!”

Katie blushed, “Well, it was Reena’s idea, but I said that I would call. Are you sure it’s not too much of an imposition?”

Sutton laughed, “Not even a little bit, and besides, it will be good for me to get out of the house. The twins are a handful right now; I think we are getting more teeth in.”

Katie visited with Sutton about babies and teeth, not that she had any superior knowledge. But Katie had learned that most people just wanted to be heard, and listening was something she was really good at.

By the time she got off the phone, it was the end of her shift. Katie’s back and arms were sore from scrubbing the graffiti. She had asked some questions around the center, but as it was with most small towns. Nobody saw anything, or if they did, they weren’t telling a newcomer like her.

Undoubtedly it was some kids, seeing as how it was a giant penis, and the artwork lacked some originality. Tomorrow she would ask questions over at the middle school and high school. Maybe the principal would have a better grasp of who she should be investigating.

Katie gathered her things and was making her way out of the sheriff's office when Natalie, one of Brian’s agents, approached her.

“Do you have a minute?” Natalie asked.

Her blonde hair was swept up in a messy bun, and Natalie seemed frazzled.

“Of course,” Katie motioned to the police station. “Do you want to go back inside?”

Natalie’s eyes widened, and she fairly shouted, “No!”

“Okay,” Katie said carefully. “Do you want to go for a walk?”

“Can we talk at your house?” Natalie asked in a rush.

“Sure,” Katie pointed to her car. “Hop in and let’s chat.”

During the short drive to her house, Katie and Natalie talked about painting the senior center. Alice and Reena had already roped Natalie into helping out. Natalie had stayed with them for a time and felt a real connection to the older ladies. Currently, she was staying in an apartment on Second Street.

“Come on in. Can I offer you a drink?” Katie unlocked her front door and motioned for Natalie to enter.

“Your yard looks incredible,” Natalie took a moment to see all of the improvements that had been done on Katie’s house. “I had no idea you were doing so much work. How do you manage to get it done with working at the station?”

Katie tossed her keys into a bowl and took off her shoes. “I don’t, or more specifically, it’s not me.”

Momentarily diverted from her problems, Natalie gaped at Katie. “What do you mean?”

“I have a stalker,” Katie mumbled, feeling foolish for voicing the opinion that Brian had so easily shot down.

Natalie took a seat on Katie’s couch. “I think we need to have a chat.”

Three-fourths of a bottle of wine later and the girls were speculating who her stalker/gardener could be.

“Maybe it’s Earl? Martha said that he was looking for a new hobby,” Natalie reasoned.

“Martha wants Earl to have a new hobby and stop bothering her at the café so much,” Katie said dryly. “I think Earl would be happy as a lark sitting in the corner booth and talking smack with all of the locals that come into Abberly’s.”