“Are you here to arrest me?” he asked, scratching those washboard abs.
“Do you have any clothes you could put on?” Katie blurted out the question and then cringed at how young and naive she sounded. Worldly women didn’t care about naked bodies. He probably had women over here all the time.
The thought didn’t help her.
Brian’s lip tilted up. “I was sleeping, and I intend to go back to sleep after your official business is conducted. So it seems to me clothes would be a waste of time.”
“Right,” Katie nodded vigorously, “Of course, very practical, and I prefer you this way.”
“I meant, I prefer you to be comfortable,” she stammered as Brian’s smile grew legs and spread clear across his face.
“Katie is there something you needed?” he asked gently.
He loved watching her get all worked up. The woman truly had no idea how lovely she was. Her eyes sparkled, and her mouth was quick to draw into a smile.
“It’s that stalker,” Katie’s words wiped the smile off of his face.
“The gardener who took pity on your plants?” he countered.
Katie frowned, “My shutters were painted last night! Brian, that’s a dangerous situation. I’ve decided I need to put in a security system.”
Brian nodded. “Why not?”
After all, he reasoned, there wasn’t a system out there he hadn’t gotten through.
“But I’m not really that handy,” Katie twisted her hands. “So, I ordered it online, and I was hoping that you might be able to help put it in?”
She bit her bottom lip and looked so damn adorable that Brian had to suppress a groan.
“Sure,” he nodded and then motioned to the door, “Was there anything else?”
Katie nodded, “Yes, it’s that official business that we talked about earlier?”
“Okay,” he prompted, “Go ahead.”
Katie took a deep breath and then blurted out her request.
“I know I’m a trained deputy, but I just think maybe I need a refresher in self-defense, and I was talking to Sutton, and she said that you had taught her some things. I was wondering if maybe you’d be willing to teach me, one on one?”
Brian made a mental note to thank Sutton personally for bringing him into this hellish state. Not only was he her nighttime gardener/stalker, but it appeared he was about to be her security system installer and personal self-defense trainer.
“You don’t look happy,” Katie rambled on. “I am sorry; please just forget about it. I overstepped, here, let me get out of your hair.”
She shot off the sofa and raced to the door. Brian luckily made up the distance with his long legs. He grabbed her before she was able to get the door open, but he lost his footing and ended up pressing her tight against that same door.
Katie’s eyes grew wide when she felt something long and thick pressing into her stomach. His breathing was shallow, or maybe it was hers, Katie wasn’t sure.
All she knew was he smelled incredible, and his chest beneath her fingers felt solid and strong, and suddenly she really wanted to know what was underneath those boxer briefs. She wondered what he would say if she asked him for a peek.
“Yes,” he grunted.
Katie’s face bloomed as their gazes met.