We launched into a conversation about the merits of different diets and exercise programs. Before long, my phone was ringing. Excusing myself from the table, I answered the call.


“Sutton, it’s Sadie. You know how Evie was a little congested this morning?”

A hint of unease crept up my spine. “Yes, is she alright?”

“I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. She’s just running a slight fever. I called the pediatrician, and he said to give her some infant fever reducer. But I wanted to let you know before I did that.”

The girls hadn’t been sick once since they were born. Suddenly I felt terrible for leaving them. I’d known Evie was a little congested, but a fever. I needed to get home.

“Sutton, are you there?” Sadie asked hesitantly.

“Yes,” I replied automatically. “Go ahead and give her the medicine. I was just finishing up here, so I will see you in a few minutes.”

“Oh no, I hope I didn’t ruin your lunch,” she replied worriedly.

“Not at all,” I lied. “I’m sure that everything is just fine. I’ll see you soon.”

Ignoring the worry that was building up inside of me, I walked back to the table.

“Is everything okay?” Candice asked.

“Yes,” I replied, pasting a fake smile on my face. “Evie is running a little temp, and Sadie was just letting me know.”

Natalie immediately stood. “I’m on my way back in that direction. Do you want to ride with me? I think Candice wanted to stop in to see Knox.”

Candice shook her head. “No, no, it’s not a big deal. We can go straight home.”

Candice and I had driven together in my car. While Natalie had met us here at Abberly’s. I didn’t want to ruin the rest of Candice’s day.

“Nonsense, it’s just a little fever. Candice, you take my car and tell Knox hello from us. I’ll see you later back at the house?”

“If you’re sure?” Candice asked, taking the keys from my outstretched hand.

“Positive,” I said with a nod.

“Right then,” Natalie said with a smile. “Thanks again for a fantastic girls’ lunch, ladies. Let’s head out, Sutton.”



Three hours later, Evie’s temperature had gone up to a hundred and two degrees. Candice still hadn’t returned with my car, and Mark was out of town for business. So my choices were to drive Sadie’s deathtrap or call Brian. Needless to say, I called Brian to go with me to the hospital emergency room.

“Thank you again for staying late, Sadie,” I said, tucking Evie into her car seat.

Sadie pushed her dark-framed glasses up her nose. “It’s not an imposition at all. I just hope Evie gets to feeling better.”

“You have everything you need?” I asked absentmindedly as Brian took the car seat and carried it out to his truck to strap Evie in.

“There is plenty of pumped milk in the fridge,” Sadie replied. “We will be fine. Don’t worry about Avery and me. Just let us know what the doctor says.”

I nodded and then went out to Brian’s truck. Once again, I dialed Mark’s number, but he still didn’t answer. I knew there was a time difference to contend with, as well as moments of Mark’s day that he simply can’t get to his phone. But I couldn’t help the mixture of resentment and fear that flamed in my gut.

Part of me worried that something had happened to him. New York City was a crazy town where anything could happen. Our little family still had a killer on the loose. What if he had been mugged or taken?

Another part of me felt angry that Mark was spending so much time working. I knew that it was selfish on my part. Mark loved the company, and it was our livelihood. But we were both independently wealthy, aside from the business.